Me and the Oitkers in Harrisburg


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I had the pleasure of spending a couple of days with Randy and his dad at the Eastern Outdoor Sports Show in Harrisburg. It was a great time and I got to rub elbows with some of the big names in the business. All great people for sure. Really enjoyed it. Randy puts on a really good show. I took a bunch of pictures, but need to work on getting them together for a future thread.

I missed Tim Andrus by a day as he left early to get home Monday morning. Next time, Tim. ;)

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So you got to meet Larry, eh Mike? :cool: What a guy ain't he? :D When I met him at the POMA conference and told him about my heart defect and how I've been unable to play contact sports, Larry gave me some of the best words of wisdom that I have ever heard; "any game that involves a ball is just that, a game." :cool: Glad you got the opportunity to meet him! :)

Dakota :)

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You always do take great pictures Mike :) and you did a great job photochopping that pic. :)

What's with the hand

LOL, Steve, you trying to get big Lee to put the hammer to me...? :eek::D

I was without power for most of the day so I may be a bit behind on posting some of the pictures from the show. The dim arena Randy performed in could have used a couple of super floods. It was tough to shoot. My flash was not powerful enough to cover the distance. I managed to get some good pictures although they may be a little grainy...Upgrade time!

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