quick prayer please


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my dad is going in for a stress test today. He had a bit of problems earlier in the week with some light chest pains and the doctors think they just need to adjust his blood pressure meds. Hopefuly that is all i takes to correct the problems and no other procedures are needed. I will update you all when i hear something this afternoon.



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thanks everyone. Dad called a few minutes ago and everything seems to checked out ok. He said he won't know the full results for a few days but so far so good. Looks like a change in the blood pressure medication might be all he needs. Thanks again everyone for your thoughts and prayers:cool:

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Not to alarm you, but I have to have the chemical stress tests since my injury. On my first and only one so far, after the test was over I started getting dizzy. I told the nurse this and she said it was normal. It got severely worse by the second and I said "I don't think what is happening is normal" then I passed out. When I came to, they said my heart stopped for 6 seconds. Still to this day, it bothers me.

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