So AMAZING!!!!!!!


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I was so blessed today driving home. First off I'll start by saying the morning was insane....the drive over started ok then the winds started, hit the last couple hills that I drive over to get to campus and I seriously thought I was going to wipe out, even at a crawling pace in the was bad news. Get to campus, whole place has no electricity....we still had lecture, in class rooms with out light, was a mess I'l ltell you. Finally, after class, I got and donate blood:rolleyes::) Than do some homework and start home. I'm driving along, occasionally looking out at the Genesee river which is extremely flooded, then my eye is caught down in this field next to the road is 2, yes two BALD EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek: One is on a deer carcass, the other standing off a few feet in the field. I stop the car and turn around and for some reason had brought my camer this morning so you guessed it, I have some photos! I'll have to post them later but wow, I felt so amazed and I think it was my reward from the Guy above for giving blood,lol;) Spectacular...I've only seen one in my live, up in the Adirondacks and it was so high up in the this...this was wonderful...I was blown away...always wanted to seem for real and up close, in the wild. When I get the photos, if you look, you'll see the bands on the legs. Where I saw them was maybe only a mile or 2 from a spot that has a bald eagle nest so maybe it's the pair.

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