High Cost of Ammo


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What's driving the cost of ammo up so much? I havent googled the subject but I am sure some of our members here already know. The cost seems to keep going up. I hear rumors and speculation, but nothing concrete. I know that with the change in administration a lot of ppl were buying up ammo (or at least a friend of mine that runs the sporting goods dept at a local wally world told me).

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People are going into stores and filling shopping carts with ammo and reloading supplies. It's in short supply because of this and the reluctance of ammo manufacturers to expand their operations for which may be a short term spike in sales. They will pay overtime but won't invest in new buildings and equipment they won't need when the demand subsides like it did after the Clinton-Janet Reno regime. These same suppliers have government contracts also and I believe war contracts come first.


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I dont like BHO...but he is NOT the cause of the rising cost of ammo. It has been rising since 2003.

Yes he is.

I will give you that the cost of ammo has been rising steadily since 2003. That's because the world demand on raw materials was exploding. China (mainly, but others too) was buying up anything it could get its hands on. Agreed.

But then came the worldwide economy crash. Prices of raw materials have plummeted. Ammo prices have kept going up. Certain reloading components are scarce as hen's teeth.

I nominate B.H. Yo'mama as gun & ammo salesman of the year. Ain't good for anything else that I can see. But he gets high marks on this one.

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I don't buy it.

You should.

BHO's whole career has been anti gun, and most of his cabinet members and appointees are recycled Clintonistas. See Eric Holder, see Rahm Emmanuel, Billary Clinton just to name 3...some change huh?

People are very afraid of having their constitutional rights whittled away at by this administration. When have democraps ever been sympathetic to hunting or shooting? Never. They are sympathetic to animal rights groups and anti hunting organizations.

Copper, lead and brass have dropped dramatically, but not ammo which consists of these raw materials.

The basic supply and demand at work.

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Guest Canoekiller1

You don't have to buy it outsider, but keep watching, because although ammo prices have been on the rise, you can expect a dramatic rise in ammo prices, and i mean dramatic, in the next four years!

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I dont like BHO...but he is NOT the cause of the rising cost of ammo. It has been rising since 2003.

Obama had not been directly responsible for the rise in the past all by himself, on that I will agree with you, however his record on gun control speaks for itself and that did obviously raise concerns in the past probably 6-8 months or maybe a bit further back than that. Yes, there were other factors when prices of materials were up and some certain ammo production has been going to govt. contracts and those are/were factors.

If you look at what is happening now, think it safe to say Obama's record has given people legitimate concerns and people have been buying more guns and ammo going back to before the election(raising the demand), the spike has depeleted the supply, which in turn has also raised the prices. So as of the time that people began to be concerned about Obama getting in office, he has been a part of the reason for the continued rise in prices.

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I'm in manufacturing and totally understand the supply and demand of raw materials as Strut10 has already pointed out. I suppose the collapse of he economy coincided with BHO's rise to the top causing ppl to buy more ammo, and keeping demand up. But this whole thing just stinks. I see several references to taxes being proposed that would double or triple ammo cost. Does anyone have a specific they could point out on this? Like a bill number or something. I'd like to write my reps about that.

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