Randy O. is very sick at the show


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I talked with Randy today just before his last show today and he was running a fever,throat was sore,sinus drainage,losing his voice and chilling! But he shot a good show for everyone! I called the show office and they sent someone over with some tylenol. Someone else gave him some dayquil. He is now resting in his room and he can't talk over a whisper. He has 2 shows tomorrow and 2 on Sunday. I pray that he can get better soon. To top it off, the bearings are out on his trailer and they have to fix that before they can come home!

That is how my day is going!

We did have a new calf on the farm today without any problems so far! It is a girl.

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Sorry to hear he is not feeling well, Darla. I was a bit under the weather when I came home from there. Felt worn down. I was very congested on Tuesday morning. Thought for sure I was catching a cold. There were a few out there complaining of congestion problems and some with a breaking out. I know Randy developed what looked like to be a small fever blister under his eye.

I think being in contact with so many people from so many different areas does not help the situation. I certainly hope he gets to feeling better. The rest will do him good for sure.

Glad to hear of the addition to the herd! :)

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