Personal testimony thread


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Romans 1:12 = that is that you & I may be mutually encouraged by each others faith.

Maybe theres been a testimony thread here before my time, but I thought it might be cool to share each others Christian experience. I will gladly share mine, but it will take some time to print....... time that I dont have just this minute. Share if you like...

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I'm up for that, I was raised in a God worshiping christian home. I drifted away in my 20's and early 30's. I was living for me and not for the father. I was doing fine I thought until the day my Dad was informed that he had cancer, I was angry, hurt, and betrayed. I couldn't understand why God would let this happen to him.

In my arguments with God he basically let me know that I was not to question his authority, and who was I to need an explaination from him. It was hard to swallow, but it sure turned me around. I found a good church, I was led to get into youth ministry, and I am now spreading the good news to kids from 5 th grade to senior high students.

My wife and I have been blessed with 2 beautiful daughters, things are not a piece of cake, but I am at peace following Jesus. I now know that I was created for eternity, not for my life on this earth. I can honestly say God is good, all the time.

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Back on Nov 05, 2007 I gave this testimony on another forum board, and so this is a copy and paste of that same testimony given to all of them there.

I was missing the Mark

Nov 05, 2007

As an archer and bowhunter, I’m sure you can understand what I mean when I say, I was missing the mark. As I continue you will soon gain insight to what I really mean here.

Many years ago, I gave my life over to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, but like many I fell by the wayside letting other things distract me taking me down this road and that. I would bounce back into the ever loving arms of Jesus allowing Him to be in control, and then for what ever reason begin to stray once more.

Several months ago, I came to this forum under a different log on name. As I began to get known, I was invited to tell all about myself in the “Tell Us About You” forum. I thought no harm would come of this.

I was soon contacted by one of the members who I will not expose here as it will serve no purpose in doing so, but we soon became close friends, and then very, very close friends. We begun to text message each other, call on the phone and soon I was swept away which was leading me so far from where I should have been as a Christian. I was doing things that no professing Christian should be doing. I think back now and can see how sin was taking me farther and farther from the fellowship that I should have been seeking from my Lord and Savior. Instead I was seeking a relationship with the devil, and almost paid a very high price for it.

In my signature line, you will notice a verse 2 Timothy 2:22 “Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.” NLT

In a book that I am currently reading, “Another Look At Life From a Deer Stand” by Steve Chapman, I found great comfort in finding this verse that I have read before, but had been long forgotten. It’s like the Lord was showing me his great kindness and forgiveness was there again, as it always has been.

I would like to give you these lyrics that Steve Chapman wrote:

The Mark

He’s the aim of my affection

The One I want to please

The target of petitions

When I’m on my knees

I can point to none more worthy

Of my devoted heart

Yet He’s the One who shows me mercy

When I miss the mark

Lord help me keep your holiness

Always in my sights

And the arrows of allegiance

Straight and true in flight

To the center of Your will

Father guide my heart

And I’ll thank You for Your mercy

When I miss the mark

In James 5:16 it says: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. NLT

Some would ask, “why would you expose yourself like you did here on the forum?

Well we read in James 5:16 for that answer.

I have since asked the Lords forgiveness for what I had been doing.

I hope this helps some one.

Philippians 4:13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. NLT

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