Do any of you all have one?


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dude!!! I have zero Tatoos, however, being from IL, i see some crazy and interesting pieces of body art in regards to deer hunting...

the coolest thing i have seen is a kid who had a tatoo of deer antlers instead of barbed wire, around his arm, with a bulls eye right in the middle of the state of IL which was located at the top of his was a cool looking piece of work, and the kid was 17...underneath it it said "WARREN COUNTY".....

rather interestig piece of work to say the least, but creative as all heck!

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Right arm, shoulder to elbow...done over 7 years. My 3 sons names and birthdays. About 20+ hours, all hand drawn, no flash for me.

One on right calf, Dragon done by Chris Garver of Miami Ink fame. WAY before he was famous in 95.

Tribute piece to my Uncle Marco( a pineapple with in memory of Uncle Marco in it) on my left shoulder.

He called everyone pineapple:)

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Half necked devel woman on left arm from shoulder to elbow,dragon on right arm from shoulder to elbow,black panther on back of left shoulder,large hammerhead shark on back of neck with background and my oldest sons name in it,large dragon all the way down the side of my left calf,the word CHAOS in fancy big letters wrote down the back of my right calf and a scar in my tounge from a grown over peircing.Oh,and lots of scars.

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I dont knock anyone that does, but i've managed 36 years without holes and ink, i'll probably make it a few more. Though one summer i was at the beach, and was going to get this Yosemite Sam on my shoulder with a rebel flag on his sword. The shop didnt take a credit card. I'm soooo glad he didnt!! :D:D:D

The worst thing to me are these young girls that are getting their lower backs done. It may look good now, but in 30 years that butterfly is gonna look like a wet skunk.

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