It's on in GA. . . .


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Still have over a month to wait til we can start hammerin' heads in Ga but with this past beautiful week we had I couldnt help but to get out to my favorite WMA this morning before daylight. Glad I did, heard 6 different birds . . . one of which was ready for roastin'. Always nice to hear those first gobbles of the year!

If i dont hurry up and get down to FL i'm gonna hurt myself. :D

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They are starting to get in the mood here too Cove.

Saturday morning I made a mad dash down to our place to do some post season deer scouting and pull a few stands. While loading up my Yukon (it's my woods vehicle now) behind our camp a neighbor came through pulling a 4 wheeler trailer. About the time he was out of hearing range he hit a bump causing the loading ramp to make a load clanging noise. A bird that couldn't have been more than 200 yards behind our camp shock gobbled at the noise. :eek::D That was about 9:30 in the morning. I'll have to start my pre-season listening and patterning chores real soon. ;)

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