Obama Backs Bush Law on Guns in National Parks


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You're right, I did reference voting records from both the U.S. Senate and the Illinois State Senate. I'm sure both of those are more than capable of generating enormous amounts of falsehoods.


Don't go confusing libs with facts. They hate it when that happens.

Fear is only paranoia when it's highly exaggerated or not warranted at all. The simple fact that Yo'Mama's voting record is what it is relieves all us gun whackos from such a diagnosis.

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No surprise. I recall a few weeks ago someone was educated as to what a machine gun was and what was a rifle that functioned just like many other hunting rifles. We never heard from that person again on that topic:rolleyes:

Here is some news right from the Realtree tree;).

Maybe this is what is called believable, but then again, anything that certain individuals don't believe in is called spinning and misinterpreted.


Also here is some more news on this subject that is NOT from the NRA.


naaa. that's still only a report. we have to actually have it happen for some to see it's real....:rolleyes:

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No kidding Eric. If you would care to dispute any of the above referenced FACTS, please do your own research and then cite evidence. Of course, there won't be any because, well....they're facts. :cool:

If you care to express OPINION, please feel free to do so.

Hint: You might start your search with the Congressional voting record. :rolleyes:

I never said Obama didn't vote along party lines as a Senator...but here's the Hint: they all do that.;) The NRA and it's mindless minions were this worked up when Ole Slick Willy took office after the Geogre H. Bush was in office (or as I like to refer to him- the literate Bush).

The fact is I haven't seen any "facts" presented here. Well, unless you consider the fact of this post- that he's allowing guns to remain in National (Federall owned mind you) Parks. That fact alone should prove soemthing to you all, but you're missing that fact because you're too caught up trying to protect your ego's from the reality that you may have just been plain wrong from the start.

Adjam...are you seriously going to present to me as your "citations" a link to a hunting forum and a link to a gun owners organization? Are you saying that those won't be biased sources of filtered information...honestly? I mean, come on my man.

Look- I'm all for protecting our right to self defense and the right to own guns. I'm just not going to let others with their own agendas rile me up into believing falsehoods that turn me into a paranoid speculator.

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Basically, Eric, Barack Obama has never had respect for or agreed with the 2nd Ammendment and by that, the Constitution of the United States itself. :rolleyes: That's the plain and honest truth. If he had his way, there would be no firearms or hunting in the U.S.

Dakota :)

Dude...you're young so I'll be nice.:D

But again my young Rebulican friend, did President Obama tell you this over dinner or something? Because if he didn't I'm not sure how else you could draw that conclusion- let alone post it for public viewing.;)

Edited by muggs
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Eric thinks the gov't should mandate all #2 pencils should have erasers on both ends to protect the eyes, ears and noses of his generation as well.....:D :D :p

Do you think 11 year olds should be able to buy Jack Daniels on Sundays, Tom? ;);):rolleyes: Or maybe 4 year olds should be allow to drive...heck, let's just do away with driver's licenses all together while we're at it.

If you're this upset about supposed gun restrictions that have not even been proposed, let alone passed into law, you must be VERY upset about restrictions that actually exist. I feel ya pain my brother.

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Do you think 11 year olds should be able to buy Jack Daniels on Sundays, Tom? ;);):rolleyes: Or maybe 4 year olds should be allow to drive...heck, let's just do away with driver's licenses all together while we're at it.


None of the above is GUARANTEED in the constitution.

Like the 2nd amendment;).

Those are privileges which can be taken away and regulated.

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So, by your reasoning, he votes along party lines...Like all of them do right?

So we, as gun owners can expect more from a party that has no respect for guns, self defense, hunting or the constitution of which they are constantly trying to change, by calling it a living breathing document. Voting records prove it.

So now that he is president, BHO will change his stripes? I don't think so.

As far as info sources, you have presented none. You cannot tell me there is no media love affair with BHO.

What should we listen to as gun owners and hunters... The View for gun ban info? OR an organization(s) that has proven itself in the form of defending our citizens individual right to own all types of firearms?

As the Lord is my Judge. BHO, and his success for improving this country; and its needs are included in my daily prayers.

I do not wish for the man to fail. Because if he fails we ALL fail.

He is surrounded by TOO many anti gun personnel, and as a gun owner, that makes anyone looking to preserve what we have, nervous about losing what we have took so long to gain and maintain. Which can change in a stroke of a pen by people like Pelosi, Reid, Holder and Clinton.

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Originally Posted by Ohiobucks viewpost.gif

Eric thinks the gov't should mandate all #2 pencils should have erasers on both ends to protect the eyes, ears and noses of his generation as well.....:D :D :p

Do you think 11 year olds should be able to buy Jack Daniels on Sundays, Tom? ;);):rolleyes: Or maybe 4 year olds should be allow to drive...heck, let's just do away with driver's licenses all together while we're at it.

See Eric, that is part of where you seem to just not be understanding. No one, at least not that I am aware of here is suggesting to do away with existing restrictions as you are suggesting with your examples. On the contrary most would probably agree that existing laws need better enforced, which Obama himself has also said. I agree with the man on that point.

New laws or restrictions do no good if they will not be enforced. The criminals will still have their illegal weapons, tighter restrictions for law abiding owners/buyers will not remove the weapons from criminals, just make life more difficult for those of us who do play by the rules. Maybe Obama will be too busy to pass any legislation on firearm restrictions, maybe some people are being a bit overly cautious or too proactive in choosing to get what they can while they think they can. You can choose to argue the point on Obama's history of his comments and his record all you want. Time and time again there have been posts/replies with valid links to both non biased and biased sources for you to see for yourself, pretty well all of them have the same information regarding Obama's stance on gun control.

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None of the above is GUARANTEED in the constitution.

Like the 2nd amendment;).

Eric has never actually seen the Constitution first hand, so right now the 2nd amendment is just hearsay and rumors to him. :rolleyes::D;) Eric, this place would be very dull without your view points and input....what's your take on crossbows being used during bow seasons? :D :D

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Eric has never actually seen the Constitution first hand, so right now the 2nd amendment is just hearsay and rumors to him. :rolleyes::D;) Eric, this place would be very dull without your view points and input....what's your take on crossbows being used during bow seasons? :D :D

LOL. Hmmmm, sorry Tom wrong room bud.:eek::p:D But yeah, Eric kind of missed out on all the fun of that argument, er uh I mean discussion.:rolleyes::D

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Eric has never actually seen the Constitution first hand, so right now the 2nd amendment is just hearsay and rumors to him. :rolleyes::D;) Eric, this place would be very dull without your view points and input....what's your take on crossbows being used during bow seasons? :D :D

Ouch!!! Tooshay...Mini Chris:p

Bubble bubble toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble:D

We have gone from a wood spoon... to an Oar:p

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Ok, I get it now. Someone has a supreme hatred for the NRA and is intending to take it out on everyone here. However not once have we mentioned any other pro-gun group that may suit their desire to continue with the right to own firearms in this country. Which doesn't include 4 year olds driving, or buying booze on a Sunday.

Facts are nothing to speculate over. If you are paranoid, or don't want to become paranoid, then don't read it and believe what you wish. Easy. I prefer being proactive over paranoid.

Someone cite me some credible sources to prove that he won't push his anti-gun agenda. All I can find is he and his constituents will.

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I never said Obama didn't vote along party lines as a Senator...but here's the Hint: they all do that.;)



Does anyone really, truly believe that B. Hussein will break from party lines now that he's in the big chair?? :cool:

Now, bear with me..........because this is purely speculation on my part.......... :rolleyes:............... but in the next 4 years the democrats are going to toss all sorts of gun contol legislation out there. (I'm only "speculating" this because the dems have always been the vast majority of the ones pushing gun control. Look up the voting records. History repeats itself.) Who here thinks for a second that Barry Yo would veto any legislation put before him by the hands that go up the back of his suit?? BHO is a stuffed shirt and a puppet. He was an easy sell to the blind american public as a charismatic, pop-culture figurehead for a much uglier monster. He ain't pulling his own strings and he ain't vetoing any gun control measure that's slid onto his desk.

Purely my own speculation.

But carve it in stone.

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Do you think 11 year olds should be able to buy Jack Daniels on Sundays, Tom? ;);):rolleyes: Or maybe 4 year olds should be allow to drive...heck, let's just do away with driver's licenses all together while we're at it.

If you're this upset about supposed gun restrictions that have not even been proposed, let alone passed into law, you must be VERY upset about restrictions that actually exist. I feel ya pain my brother.

The more I read the more I suspect "Sportsmen for Osama" started their infiltration a long time ago - long before the last election. Far enough back that a long-time poster could pass as a conservative gun-owner.

You argue apples and oranges when arguing between gun ownership and whether to allow 11 year olds to buy whiskey or 4 year olds to drive.

As a 30+ year law enforcement veteran I am concerned about the proliferation of firearms. But, not the proliferation of firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens. We can't be everywhere every time we are needed. The public has to assume part of the responsibility for its own protection. To do otherwise is to assume the position of becoming sheeple (people that follow blindly and never question their leaders).

Responding to a call where I pull onto a scene of an armed citizen is not nearly as disconcerting as pulling onto a scene wherein the armed person is a criminal. The citizen, in most cases, is going to comply where the criminal is not. And that momentary, split-second decision-making process is unnerving.

My concerns are more with the lack of sanctions - or imposed sanctions - for criminals who use firearms in the course of their crimes. We don't need more firearm rules, regulations and controls. We need more punishments for those who use firearms against others. But rather than increase penalties against the criminals, liberals would rather control those (and they find it easier to control those - including you as it sounds) who are more likely to comply - sheeple.

I, and most law abiding citizens, don't have a problem with reasonable gun control, i.e. background checks. However, as a reasonable law abiding citizen I draw the line at registration or the requirement of a federal photo ID to own, purchase or possess a firearm as required under HR 45. Or an exhorbinant tax to exercise my rights afforded under the 2nd Amendment.

You want to? Feel free. But do not abridge my rights.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." --Cesare Beccaria, On Crimes and Punishment, quoted by Thomas Jefferson in Commonplace Book, 1774-1776

"[W]hen the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, - who was governor of Pennsylvania - to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia." --George Mason, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 14 June 1778

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." --Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 5 June 1778

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Stephens Smith, 13 November 1787

Do we over-react to your president's wishes and desires? If we don't then we become his slaves. I, myself, would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

And, I have never considered myself an extremist - but they can make me one.

Edited by oldksnarc
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And another:

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States." --Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, 10 October 1787

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This thread alone shows he's not the gun hating lib the NRA wants you to belive he is.

Eric, I've also felt Obama has taken more criticism on this than is due. I commend you for taking and defending your stance on the issue here in the forums despite public opinion.

I don't have the time right now to research facts and verify sources but from what research I have done I'm not surprised by his action on the national parks issue.

I think a lot of people have it in for him regardless of what he does.

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Bottom line, regardless what pro Obamites wish to believe.

Almost every politician votes along party lines. BHO is NO exception, look at his record.

Let me ask you this....How many anti gun/hunting bills have been introduced by Republicans?...ZERO

How many democraps have introduced anti gun and anti hunting laws and take money from groups like PETA and HSUS and the Brady group? Just about all of them.

How can we as hunters/ shooters get behind a person(s) that are against our very lifestyles? We can't.

Just look at the people who BHO has appointed into office.

His vice president for instance, the self proclaimed "writer of the original assault weapons bill" Known proponents of gun control and anti hunting stances. Eric Holder who disagreed with with the recent Heller vs. DC ruling, Rahm Emannauel

( Clintons point man on gun control).

Look at these mens past...Will ya? BHO voted to ban all guns everywhere and never saw a gun ban bill that he didn't like or vote for.

How can sportsmen get behind the very person who wishes to end your sport and right to self defense?

The best way to enslave people is to disarm them.

Our forefathers set up our constitution specifically to guard against tyranny and a controlling Gov't.

I will resist and oppose anyone looking to take what I earned and spent a lifetime looking to protect.

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Eric, I've also felt Obama has taken more criticism on this than is due. I commend you for taking and defending your stance on the issue here in the forums despite public opinion.

I don't have the time right now to research facts and verify sources but from what research I have done I'm not surprised by his action on the national parks issue.

I think a lot of people have it in for him regardless of what he does.

I don't think it's totally impossible that President Obama and the Democrat majority in Congress may refrain from infringing on our constitutionally guaranteed rights as stated in the 2nd Amendment, but... I think it highly unlikely, given his past voting record and statements. I agree that his current action, or inaction as the case may be, on President Bush's decision to allow concealed handgun license holders to carry on national park property is the correct choice and a positive step in the right direction. The real question is, will that be one step forward, followed by three steps back? Only time will tell.
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"Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? It is feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American. ...[T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people." --A Pennsylvanian, The Pennsylvania Gazette, 20 February 1788

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