Do you dip??


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Do you use dip while you hunt? One of my hunting buddies does. See, I'm one of those 'anal scent control' freaks and he uses this menthol smelling 'stuff' that I can smell from 30 yards away. I can tell which stand that he has used recently. It's not body oder just the dip. I've really disappointed him this year by always having an excuse to not hunt that day. And being 300 yards away doesn't sit well with him.

I guess I just need to be blunt with him and tell him, in my best Cheech and Chong voice, " you dip shtinks, mon".

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I use to, but have since quit. I dipped "Straight", which didn't have a strong odor, but I couldn't sit on stand for 3-4 hours without it. I would put an open can of dip at the foot of my stand a few weeks before season so the deer could get use to the smell, and actually had a few deer come straight to it and smell and lick it. I'm sure they walked off and puked. :D

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Used to smoke back when I was in the army. Started chewing to quit smoking and finally quit that as well. I have found deer to be spooked the most by bacterial odor. Chew/dip can cause them to be alert. They may not run away, but they will be more cautious which could cost you an opportunity.

I wouldn't hunt deer with someone who smoked or chewed.

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