Thank you Tim Andrus


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Well I finally got some time to post this. First off I would like to tell everyone that if you can get to one of the shows that our Realtree pro's and members are at you all need to attend some of them at some point in life. I went to the sportsman show in Harrisburg PA and finally got to meet a great guy that I now call a friend.


Now after we talked and got to know each other a little bit better Tim signed a pic of one of his BIG bucks and then he said hey wait a second and he dug under the table and said here take this, I was just floored after he signed it.


Again thank you Tim and thank you Realtree for just being here. This is a great forum and I'm glad to be a member of.

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That is cool. Yep, Tim is a good guy. Looking forward to meeting him again tomorrow.

The wife bought herself a pink rt hat at the rt booth 2 years ago at the nwtf convention, she got Tim's signature along with David Blanton's on her hat. She wanted to get Lee and Tiffany's, and Michael Waddell's, but unfortunately by the time we got back to where they were, they had left the exhibit hall.

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That is cool. Yep, Tim is a good guy. Looking forward to meeting him again tomorrow.

The wife bought herself a pink rt hat at the rt booth 2 years ago at the nwtf convention, she got Tim's signature along with David Blanton's on her hat. She wanted to get Lee and Tiffany's, and Michael Waddell's, but unfortunately by the time we got back to where they were, they had left the exhibit hall.

And............we are fixing to head out to Nashville in a few to go to this years NWTF. I am taking my hat from 2 years ago. Maybe I can get that famous Tim to sign my hat AGAIN. That would be awesome. Tim had said that Lee and Tiffany were going to be at his booth. Maybe I'll get their sigs this time. And I gotta get that hug from Tim he promised me.


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