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We had post exam review today for the endocrine exam we had on Monday. Highest grade I heard so far was an 84, but my 78 is well up there,lol. The overall average for the class was like mid 60's....alot of people...ummm....failed....:eek::eek: A few lower 70's...the professor said the average in the past 5 years for this test was middle 70s.


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Congrats Ruth. I never understood why instructors continue to teach the same way every year knowing that the students will fail/or nearly fail an exam. There should be some better/easier way to teach this stuff. Endocrine is a very tough part of human physiology and understanding the hormones and how they affect other hormones is hard. I think I need to try to invent some sort of teaching tools that make learning easier. Anyway, congrats Ruth on your grade.

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