Sermon Thoughts


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Hey guys.............I am pondering the thought of a sermon series entitled "What in the world is going on?" in the month of March. Thinking along the lines of what we are facing in the world right now with uncertainity and the future. What would you think would be some good sermon topics to deal with during the month with this sermon series?

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I think a lot of people are worried about losing their jobs, retirement, house, and the list goes on.

Perhaps a message of placing faith in God and not the economy would be of help? Also placing faith in God and not man/men?

I also think it's important for us to know we are not in this alone. We always have Jesus and we Christians can join together and help one another out through tough times. There is comfort knowing others are going through it and keeping their faith.

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I think a lot of people are worried about losing their jobs, retirement, house, and the list goes on.

Perhaps a message of placing faith in God and not the economy would be of help? Also placing faith in God and not man/men?

I also think it's important for us to know we are not in this alone. We always have Jesus and we Christians can join together and help one another out through tough times. There is comfort knowing others are going through it and keeping their faith.

Good ideas here.

I would also remind people to count their blessings as they have many, regardless of where the world sits right now. We are blessed with seeing the sun come up, our hearts, minds and family and friends. Call it the 401K of Blessings. The simple things in life are still the most important and they are what will pull us through.

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I recently asked our Pastor, who is a retired Marine Drill Instructor, this question.

Could you please explain to me, how having the leader of the free world be a Liberal, Bi-Racial, Socialist, Muslim, could possibly be the will of God ????

He told me to shut up and made me drop and give him 20.............:D

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Preacherman, I think you got some great ideas there allready. I just did a small group discussion based on an article that DR. Wally Harder had in christian Bowhunter this month. His article was very similar to Fly's advise. The main idea of the article was that no president or governing body can solve all of our problems, but God does promise to take care of his annointed ones.

I also expanded the discussion into the area that our nation was once built & founded on Christ, but that is not any longer so. The sad truth is that Real God fearing Christians are now a minority in the USA. An inspection of the laws being passed by a "majority" of the people in USA should prove this to be true. I think is is a pastors responsibility to candidly tell it like it is , so the congregation is not taken by surprise by false prophets, bad leaders, etc..... Hope this train of thought brings you ideas-Lane

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Well some of the things we need to be hearing:

1/ The Lord is coming back and the world will end badly!

2/ Christians are not immune from suffering by the devils hand.

3/ Stop being Christians in name only and start being Christ like. We don't have "all the time in the world" before he comes back.

4/ A sore subject with some is, start to tithe;)

5/ Stop being afraid of the current situation and start trusting in the only one who knows the future and has a plan for us.

6/ God loves us and prepaired a place for us, awesome!!!!!!

The sad part is we brought these times on ourselves, i heard a statistic the other day.

% of Christians that attend church regularly (2-4 times a month):

65% My grandfathers generation

35% My fathers generation

15% My generation

4% Our kids generation

Makes you think we made our own bed.

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When I face hardships and feel as though the devil is trying to get me down and begin to think about the affairs of our country, I think about Nehemiah.

Nehemiah went to a city that was in ruins with the intent to rebuild it. He faced problems along the way and even had those opposing his work. He had those thay tried to get him to stop his work, but he kept on.

Though the world around us seems to be in shambles, our very own nation going down the drain, though we face oppression, depression, persecution and problems after problems, we must remember Nehemiah. He never slacked in his work, never once did he give in to the persecution, never once did he slow his pace. He prayed and kept the faith.

I believe if we are going to make it in this world today, we must have this same attitude, this same faith, to keep going on and on through it all.


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Genesis 47:13-26 Notice how the events look like what we are facing with Obama taking over the banks and the people how they continue to ask him for things like houses and jobs and even food! He is setting himself up as a king and the people are subject to him and his power. (A little too political for church, but you get the point)

The folks in Egypt and the countries around them in that day had to buy food from the Egyptian government (Joseph) and then when the $$ ran out the people paid with their livestock, and when the livestock were all gone they paid with their own land and by enslaving themselves to Pharaoh. Even after the famine was over Pharaoh kept a fifth of everything they ever produced again. Once enslaved always enslaved. Thus they survived the famine.

As Christians we shouldn’t put our trust in any man, (even Obama) but trust in God, He will see us through the financial famine the world is in right now. And the illustration is how Joseph always relied on God throughout his tumultuous life.

That’s what I’m thinking about these days.[/font]

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If you really want to get their attention:

Let everyone know that you know personally, the hardships they are going through.

Tell them that you will preach an early Sunday morning service as well as the regular service, Sunday evening service and Wednesday prayer meeting service, hospital visitation and shut-in visitation,and that you will be requesting the board of deacons to cut your pay by 30%, and that you will be now paying rent on the parsonage.

No matter what you say after that, you will have their undivided attention.


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I don't know how well you align theologically with Dr. David Jeremiah (has a radio show called Turning Point) but he has a series called "What in the world is going on?" I think his is more about how these trying times are the fulfilment of prophecies in the OT. I can't be sure, but it might be worth checking into for you.


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