Got my tags!!!


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Well, I got my South Dakota Black Hills gobbler tag in the mail today and will buy my Wyoming tag over the counter once we're out there. However, the most exciting news yet, I got an e-mail this evening from SD GF&P stating that I got my Lincoln County/Newton Hills State Park gobbler tag I've been applying for the last 3 years! I've chased birds (Merriams/Rio/Eastern hybrids) there in the fall but have never had the opportunity to chase them in the spring. Man! I'm more excited about this than my Merriams hunt in the Hills! :D I don't care what comes in front of me, even if it's a jake I want to fill this tag! :D

Dakota :)

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I'm debating whether to hunt with my bow or shotgun for this hunt. On one hand, I reeaally want to fill this tag and may have a better chance with the shotgun. Yet on the other, I reeaally want to break in the Mathews on some aggrivated love struck gobblers. Any help or opinions?! :D:(

Dakota :)

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Well, Cove, the situation is beginning to change a bit. I just got off the phone with Jim about an hour ago and it sounds like we'll be out there opening weekend/beginning of the week (we'll leave/arrive April 11th and hunt the 12th-14th). We'll be hunting a ranch in Wyoming right off the bat and then hunt in SD. I'm planning on bringing both the Mossberg and the Mathews on this hunt. I'm going to try and dump a gobbler with the Mossberg in Wyoming and then hunt Merriams in SD with the Mathews. I'll come back to hunt Newton Hills State Park with the Mossberg the next weekend or so. By then I'll have Newton Hills to myself for the most part. ;)

Dakota :)

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