One Angry Principal **Update!**


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Glad they got him! :)

However,...Expelled?? :confused: Obviously the kids got problems, get him some help and put his butt right back in school so he can still have a chance at life instead of living a life of crime...

Found out today this kid is 19. :rolleyes:

Not to get off track, but it's kids like this that really don't belong in this setting; and I'm not talking about his handicap, I'm talking because of his behavior.

I'm all for education, obviously, but how much effort do we put into one kid to the detriment of others? I guess you have to know this kid. Trust me, he's had plenty of chances, he just doesn't get it. Personally, I don't think he deserves the privilege to be in this school now. If he wants an education, he should have to go to another school that the JDC offers.

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Found out today this kid is 19. :rolleyes:

Not to get off track, but it's kids like this that really don't belong in this setting; and I'm not talking about his handicap, I'm talking because of his behavior.

I'm all for education, obviously, but how much effort do we put into one kid to the detriment of others? I guess you have to know this kid. Trust me, he's had plenty of chances, he just doesn't get it. Personally, I don't think he deserves the privilege to be in this school now. If he wants an education, he should have to go to another school that the JDC offers.

Teachers can only do so much to help the students out, its sad that these days that it seems the teachers have less power, the kids and their parents seem to control the school now.

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Teachers can only do so much to help the students out, its sad that these days that it seems the teachers have less power, the kids and their parents seem to control the school now.

True to an extent Casey. The community should control the school IMHO.

Sometimes the thing that gets me is that the public expects us to be so much. I know it sounds like I'm whining, but I wish some of the public would take a step back and re-focus on just what a school is intended to do. We are not here to parent, discipline or rehabilitate; we are here to educate. I mean, ideally, that's our job, right?

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Found out today this kid is 19. :rolleyes:

Not to get off track, but it's kids like this that really don't belong in this setting; and I'm not talking about his handicap, I'm talking because of his behavior.

I'm all for education, obviously, but how much effort do we put into one kid to the detriment of others? I guess you have to know this kid. Trust me, he's had plenty of chances, he just doesn't get it. Personally, I don't think he deserves the privilege to be in this school now. If he wants an education, he should have to go to another school that the JDC offers.

19 is definatley old enough to know better. I guess I may have taken it a little personal as I too was an ED kid and I think I turned out ok? :o:D (debatable,....I'm sure. :D)

I understand completely what you are saying about depriving the other kids of a quality education and agree that we should not do that. I guess the point I am trying to make is when do we as peers say enough is enough? If everybody that helped me gave up on me I surely wouldn't be writing this right now. I was without a doubt one of the biggest trouble makers in school and caused more problems in my family than most could even imagine. I, and I don't know this kids background, was fortunate enough to have parents, social workers, and eventually after getting "put away" for over a year with "house parents" that never gave up on me. I eventually found the Lord and put my life in his hands. Maybe they liked the challenge or maybe they saw the good side of me, one things for sure, I couldn't have done it without them. ;)

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I wish some of the public would take a step back and re-focus on just what a school is intended to do. We are not here to parent, discipline or rehabilitate; we are here to educate. I mean, ideally, that's our job, right?

That's the way it used to be Chris. That is before some parents out there quit parenting.

Sounds like that young man has had enough chances now. Time for him to really get it.

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What amazes me about the youth today is the dumb stuff they think of or pull. Never, never while I was going to school, or even for the first 10-15 years I was out of school did I ever hear of a kid setting fire to anything... now it seems several times each year, a kid is destroying something by some sort of means of fire, and always claim they "didn't know the consequences of their actions". BULLCRAP!! :mad: My 8 year old knows better than to set something on fire, my 6 year old does also for craps sake. I'm not buying it... this kid handicapped or not, needs to stay in school... (preferrably in school suspension), and work his community service off at the school. Not too mention pay his fines and serve whatever sentence he gets from the Judge.

Of course this is just my opinion.. :D

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Found out today this kid is 19. :rolleyes:

Not to get off track, but it's kids like this that really don't belong in this setting; and I'm not talking about his handicap, I'm talking because of his behavior.

I'm all for education, obviously, but how much effort do we put into one kid to the detriment of others? I guess you have to know this kid. Trust me, he's had plenty of chances, he just doesn't get it. Personally, I don't think he deserves the privilege to be in this school now. If he wants an education, he should have to go to another school that the JDC offers.

Years ago, they had "reform schools"! That is where all of these types ended up if they had problems or getting get along with the rest of the world!

I know a few that were sent, I wasn't one of them, and they came back pretty good people and turned out to be good citizens!

I also know of one who didn't make the grade anywhere and ended up in prison. He was killed there!

Might be a good idea to go back this system, but with the present way the politics is going in this country, it isn't going to happen!

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