PETA calls for a youth hunting ban


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I will tell you what makes me feel great everytime I hear it Anthony, and that is my 3 year old daughter telling me "I am going to go hunting deer with you daddy". She has as much interest at 3 as my oldest daughter did.

peta will do whatever they can and try anything, they seem to prey on the young and weak minded. Kind of seems there is an endless supply of mindless followers for them and supporters who are just not aware of what they are supporting.

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The wackos are at it again.

OR is this just propaganda as some would have you believe:rolleyes:?

They have requested youth hunting be stopped in PA and in Arizona...your state might be next.

The White House is sympathetic to these wackos.

PETA is the worst thing going...well, actually, the media reps who give them credence by always interviewing them whenever animal issues come to the forefront are the worst. PETA on the other hand is just an enormous collection of crazy, unrealistic people who lack knowledge...

Adjam- do you understand the meaing of the word "propoganda?" If not, I can try to help. Sending a letter to petition for the removal of youth hunting isn't propoganda. It's lobbying.

This may be foolish, unwarranted etc...but sending a letter does not constitute propoganda...but PETA does put out a TON of absurd propoganda.;)

Below is a prime example, and one I find very offensive. But to the open mind this example is no different than the NRAs propoganda. Both are meant to achieve very different goals but at the same time both are aimed at mind control and both are more the same than they are different. PETA is also known for targeting children, a very common tactic of progandists. Since their idealogies, opinions, values etc... are still forming, kids are often a target- actually that's why churches started buidling schools next door, bud.

PETA, as they're known to do, took it to the extreme and actually started publishing comic books- this one makes me sick. Actually, I'd like to kick the tar out of the sissy who hands this to my kid (if I had one).:o

Adjam5- soak that in, give it 10 minutes then let me know what else you need to know. I'm here all day.:cool:

Now, this is propaganda.


Edited by muggs
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Soak in Muggs that YOUR president and vice president took money from these idiots and they have a 100% rating from PETA and HSUS on animal rights issues. Why is that?

How do you like them apples?

You find the PETA ad offensive, but you are part of the machine by enabling the people who give them validity.

What else do I need to know?, Wow! You are a pompous Obamite.

Why don't you educate me in what a assault weapon/machine gun/semi auto is...funny we that posted to that thread never heard back from you on that issue.

Yah...I thought so;)

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Jacqui Aged 6 with AR-15 Look where she hit!My Daughter Jacqui when she was six or 7 on a fishing trip and did some shooting with an full auto M-16 Note where her shot was in the Diamond of the Logo! She wanted to fire it on rock & roll but I didn't have a lot of ammo I was in college at the time Jacqui grew up to be a college Grad with a Graduate Degree in Chefing & Cooking-a good Christian, and a top Gourmet Chef! Speaks daily English French & Spanish. Tink











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But a lot of these posts seem somewhat off point. I mean we all know peta is just a bunch of whack jobs, but this is SICK. The fact is they dont give a D!$M about human life. They have hijacked those poor people's tragedies to try to further their no-hunting agenda. That's sick in my book. Imagine guys a tragic accident at your hunting camp and then having PETA exploit that incident to show why we shouldnt hunt animals. I'd want to ring some necks!!!! If you're a pro-life animal groupie, then that's fine, keep on your path in life. But these things go way too far, and is one of the many reasons i think (hope) they will always remain a fringe organization. :eek::mad::mad::mad::rolleyes:;):cool:

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But these things go way too far, and is one of the many reasons i think (hope) they will always remain a fringe organization. :eek::mad::mad::mad::rolleyes:;):cool:

That would be a neet trick for them to remain a fringe organization when the current BHO/Biden admin has a 100% rating by voting on animal rights issues and always voted with PETA/HSUS. have no idea what you have done.:(

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That would be a neet trick for them to remain a fringe organization when the current BHO/Biden admin has a 100% rating by voting on animal rights issues and always voted with PETA/HSUS. have no idea what you have done.:(

That's for sure. They are no fringe organization these days. They are getting more powerful every day, and even more so now that they have government backing.

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