About dang time!!


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I couldn't locate any deer on our 45 acre property, which led me to believe they are only moving at night. Came home last night around 11pm and shined our field with my truck lights, seen two does, then shined again and seen two more. They got a little nervous and slowly made their way to the thicket. They all went in at one area, so I am wanting to get some pics on the new trail camera and I got a place to put it now.

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Good deal! :cool: Just make sure you don't have your rifle uncased, loaded, out of the pickup, in your hands and the reticle on their front shoulder when you do that! :D:p:eek::rolleyes:;):D

Dakota :)


First, I do not carry a rifle with me in my truck, second, it wouldn't be loaded if I did have a rifle in the truck. What the heck Dakota, you calling me a poacher, because get your facts straight bub, I am not one.

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Easy! :o:rolleyes: I was just kidding you, I would never think you are a poacher and I'm going to just shrug off your rant because you completely took it the wrong way and I'm going to appologize right now for making you assume the wrong thing. Lighten up, bud! ;):cool:

Dakota ;)


I just don't find it funny or something to joke about.

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I fully, completely and sincerely appologize, Smoke'em. What I said was wrong and I should never have posted it. I was just joking around with you and I should just learn to shut up. I am asking you for your forgiveness. But you should have known that that was NOT what I meant by ANY means. However, I am in the wrong and I acknowledge that. :(

Dakota :)

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I fully, completely and sincerely appologize, Smoke'em. What I said was wrong and I should never have posted it. I was just joking around with you and I should just learn to shut up. I am asking you for your forgiveness. But you should have known that that was NOT what I meant by ANY means. However, I am in the wrong and I acknowledge that. :(

Dakota :)

I knew that you were kidding, but at the same time I don't want others to think I am a poacher, I hope you know what I am trying to get at. Internet rumors travels fast. I am also on a prostaff with friends and if they caught word of something like this, I would be kicked off....

I hope you understand what I am saying.....

I forgive you....

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I really read way to much into a post, but I just don't want others on this board to think I am a poacher when I am not. Yeah you were joking around, but at the same time I just feel like I needed to say something.

Np, bud! ;) I'm glad you did say something, because you might not have been the only one who would interpret that the wrong way. Believe me, no one thinks you are a poacher and I'm glad you called me on the carpet there. ;) I'm on a Pro Staff as well and there isn't much room to breathe is there! :D As Pro Staffers, we are representatives of the outdoors industry and the sport which we love. We must always be ethical and legal hunters and always represent hunting with integrity and honesty. We all must strive to maintain that good image, not just us Pro Staffers. :)

Dakota :)

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