Let me introduce

Tim Andrus

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My sister ! Lori will go by... drum roll............... Tims -sister

LoL Told her that she should join , was always looking around at the site.

And no Katrina you wont get any dirt on me from her , so nanana.

Ill leave the rest to her !

Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me so warmly to Realtree. I am a wealth of information on Tim. :p

This seems like it will be fun to be a part of. Hopefully those of you who have already read that I don't actually hunt have recovered enough to keep reading. Lol.

A brief overview....I love Rascal Flatts, Jimmie Johnson and Peyton Manning. The Bills are the Bills-I'm from western NY , I can't be too mean. I do not watch hockey (not even the Sabres) or basketball. I have a daughter in the Army, one in college and one in high school.

Not so interesting, huh?? :o

Edited by Tims_sister
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Hopefully those of you who have already read that I don't actually hunt have recovered enough to keep reading. Lol.

Not so interesting, huh?? :o

On the contrary...very interesting(we'll pry that info on Tim out of you later):D

At what time in the past did you ever think you would be a member of a "Hunting Website"? ...and Now you are:cool:

Hunting may not be too far away for you afterall.;)

Welcome to the Family...and thanks for sharing about yours:cool:

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Thank you Tim. :D :D

I have been keeping track of Tim on here for some time and he asked me to join...so here I am. This is where it gets a little sticky....I do not actually hunt. I know, I know... there are jaws dropping all over. (Sorry for the spoiler, Tim!) But....I do brag about Tim A LOT!!!

Welcome Lori!

Now what are we going to talk you into hunting first?:D

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