2" per hour SNOW


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Worst driving I have ever seen in such a short period of time. Could not see the roadway with inches of snow, white out and ThunderSnow! Yes it is weird to say the least to have it lightning during a huge snowstorm but it is happening tonight. Took me almost 2 hrs to get home (40 miles) from Green Bay. That was with a 4x4. One 20 mile stretch was 15 mph mostly because people were literally driving into the ditch because there were no roadway landmarks visible. We'll be taking the kids turkey hunting in just over one month.........how odd that seems right now! Maybe we'll need some snow camo:D

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We lucked out down here. They were originally talking up to 5-9 inches (depending on who you listened to). Just rain, freezing rain, sleet, and an occasional snowflake is all we got. Right now, it looks as if it's done here. The wind is blowing pretty good at the moment. Hopefully the roads won't be too icy in the morning.

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Just cleaned out the driveway...................... 1 1/2 hrs with the blower. Plow driver left 5 feet in front of the mailbox. I could only see the box and no post or paper box. Looks like 7 or 8 inches but with the wind it is hard to tell. The storm broke up over our area early and it all fell in little over 4 hours or so. If it would have skirted further north, we would have probably gotten well over a foot or more. The radar to the south looked nasty. Very lucky it was rain down there. The lightning during a monster snowstorm is something everyone should experience.........something you just don't forget.

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