sanding a slate call?


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First......don't sand it..............not with actual sandpaper, anyways. Use a coarse Scotchbrite type of pad. I've never used any particular strategy as far as direction goes. Just get the surface roughed up. I suppose, ideally, you should scuff the surface perpendicularly to the direction of striker run......... but I don't pay that much attention to it.

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First......don't sand it..............not with actual sandpaper, anyways. Use a coarse Scotchbrite type of pad. I've never used any particular strategy as far as direction goes. Just get the surface roughed up. I suppose, ideally, you should scuff the surface perpendicularly to the direction of striker run......... but I don't pay that much attention to it.

What he said. :cool:

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First......don't sand it..............not with actual sandpaper, anyways. Use a coarse Scotchbrite type of pad. I've never used any particular strategy as far as direction goes. Just get the surface roughed up. I suppose, ideally, you should scuff the surface perpendicularly to the direction of striker run......... but I don't pay that much attention to it.

That is pretty much what I do except switch hands while using the ScotchBrite.:D

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