Absolutely disgusted.....


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Well folks....most of ya know how proud I am of my new Pro Elite I just got. Was shooting it at our indoor shoot tonight when the cable failed and it blew up on me. It hit the ground and is scratched up. The limbs have nics in them now, and my cam looks like it may be bent. I'm beyond sick. I shook for at least 10 minutes after wards. I'm ok thankfully, except for a strawberry on my left man boob.

Hutch and Archery Angel were with me. Hutch and I are going to Ardmore tomorrow to get it fixed. The guy I bought it from is scared to death lol....guess he thinks Bryan and I are coming to kick his butt.

Anyways, heres some amusement for the mathew folks :D

I could only laugh....I was pretty let down.


Its worse than it looks :rolleyes::D


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Guys I was standing beside him when it blew.............The cable broke under the serving on the length control module on the bottom cam. No way you could have ever caught that..............When the cable snapped the string came lose from the top cam. It was still in rotation on the bottom cam and that is why it left him that nice little strawberry.

Hoyt or not it was a Freak accident. Just glad he was ok........Bows can be replaced. I was shaking like a leaf when he turned around cause I just knew that his wrist was gonna be full of carbon..........Thank the good Lord it wasn't and we'll get him fixed back up. I know the shop owner and the guy he bought the bow from personally.

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Man, that's tuff! Glad it didnt turn out worse. Your man boob is going to heal, but them scratches aint! That sure was a sweet bow you had too.

Wanna hear something funny and stupid? Years ago two guys i know were bowhunting together. One had his recurve. About 3 oclock, jerry heard a loud WHACK! Later he saw his brother walking back up the log road to the truck. Idiot got bored in the stand and was bouncing his broadhead on the string with the bow across his lap.

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  MCH said:
Man, I feel for ya. But I really could've done without the "man boob" pic.:D

Thank goodness I can't see pics that Kyle posts then.:eek::rolleyes:

Glad your allright though. I had my SB break a string last year, but it being a MATHEWS, it was faithful to its owner, and protected him, so I didn't get hurt. And it still slung an arrow about 30yds, just not fast!!!!

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