Law Enforcement Officers of all Jurisdictions


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How many Law Enforcement Officers do we have participating in the forums? Please include close family members and close friends. Any and all agencies apply, even the ones we shouldn't know about;), that is if you are able to tell us:rolleyes:

This will be a two part thread continued in the Politics Room at a later date.

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My best friend is an officer

My co worker is an ex OHP.

His son in an OHP.

5 family members are officers

1 cousin is an OHP.

1 cousin is DEA.

7 of my good friends are officers.

Not to mention numerous family friends that are OHP, sheriffs, OSBI and officers.

I am considered security/surveillance.

Awesome. Please stay tuned as this will help my thread a lot.

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2 of my uncles were Police officers in Columbus OH

1 is passed on, swat captain for many years, motorcycle patrol.

1 is retired, horse patrol, boat patrol, motorcycle patrol and dare officer.

I took the Columbus test in college only to score a 92 when as a white male i needed a 95:mad: Oh well!!

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How many Law Enforcement Officers do we have participating in the forums? Please include close family members and close friends. Any and all agencies apply, even the ones we shouldn't know about;), that is if you are able to tell us:rolleyes:

This will be a two part thread continued in the Politics Room at a later date.

10 years as a Public Safety Dispatcher in the Sheriff's Dept. Not a sworn officer but I spend a third of my day with them!

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20 year veteran Police Sergeant

Currently head of the TASER Program

Former Field Training Officer

Certified in Instructor Development

Looking forward to retiring from the most thankless job in the liberal US today.

No other LEO's in my family

Have no friends that are in law enforcement either

(except my brothers on the forums here....) :D

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(As an aside to the OP-are prosecutors LEO's in your state as well, or is that not wide-spread?)


In Kansas the county attorney (prosecutor) and/or district attorney are statutorily the chief law enforcement officer of the county/district. One of my prosecutors in one of my counties has an office issued firearm - someplace. And she can't find the ammo either. :cool:

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