Law Enforcement Follow Up Question


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I took the same oaths and believe, because of that oath, it is my duty and responsibility to not enforce those laws that are not constitutional.

Who decides what's constitutional? Under the "three seperate branches" theory the Judicial branch. However, they have shown a propensity to believe the Constitution is a "living, breathing document" and subject to interpretation and not the defining document it was intended to be.

I believe it is every American's duty to uphold and defend the constitution and to ignore and overthrow those who would go beyond it and those laws that violate it.[/Quote]

I was beginning to wonder if anybody understood me at all. Thanks, bud.


Edited by Hoosierbuck
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You know, no matter what we have in our gun cabinets, the government will always have something bigger. Even though this is true and will be the case, I will go down fighting with guns blazing to defend my rights and freedoms. I just hope I don't have to.

Dakota :)

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Then, my decision will be what do I do when someone comes to get my guns......

I'm still struggling with that one.

Debating all this the last few days with friends, I've come up with other thoughts and come closer to a decision about what I will do.

First, I believe the majority of military and law enforcement who may be sent for my guns feel a lot like I do - it's our duty to protect and preserve the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and to ignore and not enforce those laws that are not constitutional. So, a lot of them, like I, would refuse such an order - even at the risk of losing a job over it.

However, there are those who, either of of fear of losing a job or a lack of understanding the Constitution or their oath to protect and preserve it, would comply with their orders.

And, unless they overturn the Bill of Rights in regards to the 2nd Amendment, they still have to adhere to the limitations of the 4th Amendment before they can come seize our guns. But, while they are fairly conservative (slow to issue) when it comes to issuing search warrants it's not a far stretch since the judiciary is somewhat liberal (anti-gun) when it comes to the 2nd Amendment.

But, one of the guys I was discussing this debate with said it wouldn't be the military or law enforcement they send. Over the last several years there has been an attempt by the UN to pass a global ban on firearms. If they are succesful in getting a ban it will be UN or NATO troops that come for the guns.

If that is the case my decision is made - there will be a gunfight.

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