Some Offseason Practice


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Well, since I got my Outback I've been shooting 4-5 times a week whether at my neighbors shooting his bedded doe target or in my garage/driveway shooting my Delta RB Buck. So far my groupings have been pretty consistent with my arrows always finding the vitals on either target at 20-30 yards. I'm thinking of either buying a year long membership at Archery Outfitters here in Sioux Falls (they have two outdoor ranges, target and 3-D animal target, and an indoor range) or joining a league somewhere. Maybe even both! :D Man, I can't wait for bow season! :D

Dakota :)

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Thanks, Straight Shooter! :) What I've been trying to do to help my confidence in the field is shoot one arrow; one shot one kill you know! :D However, while my field points keep smashing through the heart/liver/lungs area, my broadheads seem to fly to the right either hitting the shoulder on the bedded doe or hit the gut area on my RB Buck. :(:mad: I'm shooting Magnus Stingers and I'm thinking of switching to expandables like the Rage 3 that supposedly shoot like a field tip. Well see how that goes.

Dakota :)

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However, while my field points keep smashing through the heart/liver/lungs area, my broadheads seem to fly to the right either hitting the shoulder on the bedded doe or hit the gut area on my RB Buck. :(:mad: I'm shooting Magnus Stingers and I'm thinking of switching to expandables like the Rage 3 that supposedly shoot like a field tip. Well see how that goes.

Dakota :)

Before you spend the money make sure your bow is tuned correctly.

Here's a link to Eastons Complete Tuning Guide...broadhead tuning is on page 14.

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Right now I'm working back very slowly since my shoulder surgery in November. So far so good, and you would be amazed at what they did. But I have been working real hard at my PT along with just recently picking up my bow again twice a week.

Keep up your practice gobblerbane08, and it will all feel so natural when you out in the woods.

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