Big Brother's plans


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I does not surprise me at all how sneaky this current administration has become. The Libs cried about the Patriot act and now they bring this?

This is the current day "Vhere are YOUR PAY-pers!"

Are we free citizens or what? We seem to be having our constitutional rights whittled away at daily and many people just don't care.

"well I don't do anything wrong, so the Gov't could snoop on me"" I don't go to gun shows, so I don't care"

"I don't go to any kind of protests or rally's, so I don't care"

For those people can you not see, how detrimental this could be to being a free man in America today? This is exactly why we had the particular rights installed in our Bill Of Rights and Constitution. To safeguard against these types of Gov't snooping.

Oh boy the next 4 years are going to be rough to say the least.

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I does not surprise me at all how sneaky this current administration has become. The Libs cried about the Patriot act and now they bring this?

Interesting how perspectives change isn't it?:eek::(:confused::confused: People forget so quick.:(

Can see this proposal being met with enough opposition from what limited remaining sensible elected officials we have to hopefully stop this type of thing from ever moving forward.

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