Illinois Classic Pictures...lots


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Ok so I tried to take some shots of some of the best deer there for you guy's that could not make it to the show.If the Mods will leave it here in the lounge a lot more people will probably see all of my work. I go back tommoroow and see how my 155" muzzleloader buck faired in the competition. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!


















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I will be back in the afternoon and look for the jack rabbit deer LOL:D

After you walk past the happy feet guy at the very front when you walk into that room, go to the beer wagon, then turn left, he's at the very end on the wall that runs parallel to the beer wagon. He's the 2nd or 3rd one from the far end. You can't miss him. It's a HORRIBLE taxi job. See if you can get a pic Kirk.

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Guest Primetime/IL

I was at the show on friday hoping to steer clear of the crowd and it was a good time. Kirk..did you happen to attend any seminars? Me and the friend of mine that road up with me attended the Mastering Small-tract Megabucks by Rod White which was very good. Also, how was the crowd today? I had gone on saturdays in the past and it has been unbelieveably packed:eek:

Heres a few others that I took with my cell phone. I forgot the camera so the phone had to do:cool:




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Yeah Hungry sometimes your not sure what is the deer and what are the trees!!!!!!!:D;):rolleyes::)

Honestly too many shows make it look soooo easy to just walk in the woods in Illinois and kill a whopper. It's not that easy to find the smart old boys!

Even more difficult is gaining access to land where they live. Good luck today!

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It was definitely very packed from about 11-3, then it started thinning out a little. I only went to the Byron Ferguson exhibition, which was AWESOME. He put on a great show, and in the middle of it, honored all of the veterans in the room. They got a loud ovation that lasted at least 2 minutes. It was very touching and very cool. You just don't hear many of people honoring our veterans, and to take time out of his show to do that, I thought was very cool:cool:

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