Slate slayers....Turkey Team #1

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Went back to my main farm this morning. Birds gobbled there heads off..... Across the property line. Headed to farm #3 to hunt for the first time after that and didn't locate any.

Back to farm #2 to campout tonight. I know exactly what they did yesterday morning.... maybe we'll make it happen!

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Good luck one!!

Woke up at the camp to birds gobbling in 4 different locations. Finally chose which one, gave him a few yelps... he thundered back each time, then I fell silent. No gobbles for thirty minutes, thought he must be coming in, and then he gobbled.... about 300 yards past where he started from.

Tomorrows another day!

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Hey team,

Computer at my house was screwed up and just got it back from toshiba and cant do personel stuff at work. We start the 11th of April and have 5 weeks. Dont know if I am replaced or not. Got a couple messages from some of the team members.

Glad to see you made it... Stuff like that is understandable. ;)

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Hey team,

Computer at my house was screwed up and just got it back from toshiba and cant do personel stuff at work. We start the 11th of April and have 5 weeks. Dont know if I am replaced or not. Got a couple messages from some of the team members.

glad you made it.........

Hope the new computer works out for ya!

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I just about closed the deal this morning boys...

Had two gobbling off the roost pretty good and very early. Got setup on them but as luck would have it, they had hens and they lead them away from me. Stayed on the setup for an hour and a half, but finally knew that they'd gone waaaay too far for me to expect them to come back before noon. Headed to the fields where I heard them last and then spent an hour laid in a ditch watching two strutters and eight hens. About halfway through, I was able to get my B-mobile setup as they were down a little dip. I thought the gobblers would commit to the decoy, but they had to get their hens out first..... the hens had other plans. Watched the gobblers try to herd the hens off forever before they were finally successful. Sat another hour waiting on the gobblers to return, but they never did.

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