The Gobbler Rollers....Turkey Team #9

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Drove up to the property Wednesday evening with my girlfriend, Melissa and met my dad up there. We planned to stay overnight and come home yesterday evening. Me and Melissa got up at 5:15am and went out yesterday morning to go listen for gobbles. It was a brisk 20 degrees, but gorgeous. No wind. Awesome morning for a November rut hunt. icon_smile_cool.gif You know, one of those mornings that you break the silence with the rattling antlers. icon_smile_wink.gif

But anyway, the whole reason for bringing her was to have her listen to the thunder chickens sounding off in the morning. It would be the first time she would hear a gobble in person and the birds didn't disappoint. We only found 2 gobblers, one jake and a tom, about 200 yards from our listenting spot and man did they gobble their heads off. They hit the ground around 5:50am, good information to know for the youth hunt next weekend. icon_smile_whistling.gif These two birds were so hot for female company that if yesterday was opening day, both of them would've been in the bag. The gobbled at anything and everything. Crows, owls, woodpecker pecking on a tree, you name it they would gobble at it. Only 1 more week til I can get my brothers on some birds.

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1st Day Out & Success

Well, I have gotten plenty of Toms in Georgia and Missouri but none here in New Jersey, that is, until today!

The day begins.

The alarm went off at 3am. I had gotten back late last night at 10PM from the FD, so I was a really bushed and hit the sack right away. Suddenly, the alarm goes off and I hit the snooze button because I just laid down, didn't I?

Again the alarm goes goes off, again I hit the snooze button. Finally, at 3:30 when the snooze goes off for the 3rd time I realized today is the 1st day of the season for me! What am I doing? I can't sleep in even as the bed seem to beckon me to stay there.

I push through the sleep to wake up. I get up knowing I have lost some time!

Good thing last week I had organized my hunting clothes and gear and it was in my "hunting room' in the basement!

I had also preloaded up all the pockets and such of my Cabelas Tactical Tat'r Vest. I then go through my inventory in the vest quickly to make sure I did not forget anything. License attached to the vest, check. Primos Heart Breaker Box call and Cody Drop Dead slate call, check. Face mask, hat and gloves, check. SureFire Flashlight, check. Hevi Shot 12 ga 3 1/2" ammo, check.

Then onto my other gear. Primos B-Mobile decoy, check. Hen decoy, check. Mossberg 835 Ulti Mag 12 Ga with Bushnell Holo Sight with fresh batteries, check. Hunters Specialty Backpacker blind, check.

Then for the food and refreshments: Diet coke, check. Beef Jerky, check. Little Debbie cakes, check.

Pack all the gear into the truck ASAP. Oh my goodness, it is 4:30am and I got to get going! I looks at the temperature reading in my read view mirror, it is 43 Degrees, So I hit the road!

Into the woods.

I arrive at my hunting land at 5:30 am. The Temperature is 53 degrees. Looks like a clear sky, waning crescent moon above and a light to steady breeze. A bit too steady of a breeze if you ask me. The tops of all the trees were swaying petty good and I look up hoping to see some roosted birds in the blue night sky but there was nothing. I walk into a spot without needed to use my flashlight. I set up my bind.

This was the first time I used the Cabelas Tactical Tat'r Vest for this season and was I happy I got this one. The cushion was excellent. I did not feel the tree digging into my back as it would have with my other vests. I settle in very comfortably hoping something would show up soon.

Not a gobble, not a cluck. Nothing. I see a flash of action to my right but it winds up a herd of deer trotting through the woods and going away from me. Oh well, at least it was something. Other than that the woods was quiet.

I sat there until 8:30am am and I realized that last year I had hunted further into the woods off to my right. There are a lot of low rock walls from the 1700's that used to mark some old boundaries all over the land. Last year, I had a Tom answer my calls and he got close but would not come over the rock wall between us. I heard him continue on his way without ever getting to see him. So, this year I though maybe I should move to that spot but get on the other side of the rock wall. Up and off I go! The sun was up, the wind had died down and it was warming up a bit.

The Tom!

Around 9am am I gave out some calls, nothing responded. At 9:30 am I tried again and got an gobbler to answer!! I called again and got an answer! Again I called, another answer! Then, suddenly there he was about 200 yards off to my right. I remembered a hunting TV show that said to stop calling once you see them so I did stop. He didn't. He flared himself into a strut a few times and kept coming closer and gobbled again. I had the turkey decoys straight ahead facing towards me at 30 yards. That Tom was looking right at them. he started to move with more caution and I was blocked by the trees. I saw him poke his head out from behind the trees but I did not want to take a shot like that.

Finally, he moved out from the tree, I raised my shotgun and got a good bead on his head.


He's down!!!

Off I run to the spot, he was flopping a bit but not too long!

It was 9:50am. Moving and knowing what I learned last year helped put me in the right spot to intercept my very first New Jersey Tom.

The Check Station.

Details were are follows:

9 1/2" Beard

1 " Spurs

20 Pounds

The final steps

One of the Captains from my FD house was off and he came out to see my bird. Like any FD brother we went from talking about the morning details to the two of use breasting out the bird and getting the wing bones to make some home made calls. Never had to ask him he just jumped right in and we made quick work of that bird!

My first 'Jerzey 'Tom and I got him to come in all a strutting! What a way to remember my first 'Jerzey' successful hunt!! Well, that's how they pronounce it up here, go figure!!






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Got there this morning and the bird had moved down into the valley sometime last night...My dad had them going they just wouldn't come out into the field...From my spot on top of ridge above dad, it sounded pretty cool...3 gobblers going crazy, I was just waitting for the "BANG"...I thought for sure they were out there...They gobbled for a good hour then they got lockjaw...Didn't hear anything the rest of the morning...

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Well, we had some success on the youth hunt this weekend with my youngest son Mike. Saturday morning we mistakenly got too close to a tom on the roost. He gobbled on the roost from crow and owl calls, but was tight lipped when it came to hen calls. He had to see us because he gave us no play whatsoever. Last night as dusk, Joe and Mike spooked a few jakes while they were out riding. We set up on the ridge above them this morning. Joe did his magic and Mike slammed a good jake. These birds were hot and responded to all the calls. They especially like when Joe started to cut hard with the HS Strut EZ Rasp diaphram. They were losing it with the multiple gobbles:).

This my most enjoyable turkey hunt ever. One for hunting with my sons, and two; for being able to make adjustments for our mistakes, and be sucessful in a place we never planned on hunting.


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I worked yesterday, didn't get out. But I did get out this morning and had a encounter with the hen kind:mad:. She came putting in and made me, so she went putting off. That was it. Did hear 2 shots in the distance about 8am. Gonna be back up there next weekend.

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