Hevi-shot Slingers & 1 Arrow....Turkey Team #15

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Hey guys:

Hey LJ we're hooked up on the same team once more!

First place the first year this contest was held (with LJ).

Hunt in Iowa with the bow. Have taken birds every year. It can be frustrating and if I get desperate I will take out the gun the last few days.

I will hunt Iowa April 13th on to may 20th. I will take a trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota the last week in April for Merriams (then maybe onto Wyoming and Montana).

Clint, what states are you hunting and when? Anyplaces that I will be? Remember.... the first bird that you shoot is the bird that scores, no replacements.

Good luck to all,

the dog

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Hey Dog,

I will begin my slam in FL from 3/26-3/29 then off to Texas 4/9-4/13 then Kentucky opens 4/18 & Indiana opens 4/22. I have that whole week off to 4/24 to hunt both states. Then on Sat. 4/25 go to MO hunt until 4/29. At that point if I have not tagged out in KY & IN I will hunt there until 5/10 when the season ends. I then take off to hunt Wyoming from 5/15-5/19. I do not want to be presumptuous but do you have to score the first bird killed or can you score any bird and turn them in. I don't think my FL bird (if I get one) will be my biggest) might want to pass on that one for a contest bird.

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I will be in Wyoming the first week of May. Where will you be hunting in Wyoming (I will be in the northeast around the Hullet/Alladin/Avon area).

Question about first bird taken:

4. Scoring of the bird will be based on the NWTF scoring system which can be found at www.nwtf.org. Each contestant will be able to score one bird for the contest. You must enter your first bird taken for the season… even if you are allowed more than one.

With that stated: Take the first mature bird you have a chance to take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I take this contest "as a fun contest". If we win great, if not then I will not cry or loose any sleep. I hope other people on this team feel the same. We have 5 people who will try and take nice birds.

good luck to all

the dog

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Probably in the Hill City area. This will be my first trip to South Dakota and I am "a do-it-yourself" type hunter. I will drive out find a motel and then start driving roads and finding birds early in the morning. I will hunt the public land in the Blackhills National Forest.

I agree that Wyoming has lots of birds. When I deer hunt out there in the fall there are birds everywhere. Have to avoid them on the roads. Most years it would be easy to shoot one from the treestand with the bow. I usually stay in Hullet at the Pioneer Motel.

Checked out that outfitter you use and "LOOK FIRST RATE"!!!! Have fun out there.

Good luck to all

the dog

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Well it does not look like this team is going to be very involved. I will keep an eye open if activity picks up. I will be over with my Primos Team and Old Gobbler team. They are very active. If we do start looking at names I push for Hevi Shot Slingers. I think I will be able to add a nice bird to the mix. That sounds like that's all that will be needed over here.

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