Ill Classic Rabbit Deer Mount


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Guest Primetime/IL

I do remember seeing that mount, unfortunately that was just one of the many poor taxidermy jobs there.

Look how far down the ear butts are and the ears are nearly fanned completely out:(

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OK, it looks like poor taxidermy. No question.

But can it be just a genetic defect and the buck had ears that were not normal? I mean even some people have ears that look like they don't belong.

Do we know for sure it is just bad work? Just look at all them splits in the tines, it was not normal/typical to begin with.

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This is one of the most noticeable and most common mistakes in taxidermy work, although this one is very exaggerated. The ears butts should have significant muscling and you should - maybe - be able to fit your index finger between the ear and the antler.

To avoid disappointment when shopping for a taxidermist, pay special attention to this feature (as well as many others - look at lots of good work, photographs, and live deer to gain a critical eye).

The deer in question has had the cape positioned way too low and it may even be too large for the form; hard to tell from the picture.

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That does look a lot different than most,we shouldnt judge it from just looking at it without the whole story.It may have a good reason for being that way,you would not want someone ragging on your kids first deer that way ,or the first mount you tried yourself now would you.I have seen better work but at least someone had the gumption to give it a try,I know not to post pics if I try to do one myself.

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