Shoot to thrill?


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Feb 3, 5:36 PM (ET)

By Will Dunham

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Marine Corps general who said it was "fun to shoot some people" should have chosen his words more carefully but will not be disciplined, military officials said on Thursday.

Lt. Gen. James Mattis, who commanded troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and is slated to be portrayed by star actor Harrison Ford in an upcoming Hollywood movie, made the comments at a conference on Tuesday in San Diego, California.

"Actually it's quite fun to fight 'em, you know. It's a **** of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up front with you, I like brawling," Mattis said.

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil," Mattis said during a panel discussion. "You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a **** of a lot of fun to shoot them."

In a statement, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Michael Hagee praised Mattis as "one of this country's bravest and most experienced military leaders."

"While I understand that some people may take issue with the comments made by him, I also know he intended to reflect the unfortunate and harsh realities of war," Hagee said.

"Lt. Gen. Mattis often speaks with a great deal of candor. I have counseled him concerning his remarks and he agrees he should have chosen his words more carefully," Hagee added.

Maj. Jason Johnston, a Marine spokesman at the Pentagon, said Hagee did not plan disciplinary action against Mattis. Johnston declined to specify how Hagee had counseled Mattis.

During a Pentagon briefing, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld did not criticize Mattis' remarks, saying, "I have not read his words. I don't know what he said precisely or the context."


Marine Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, lauded Mattis' record and leadership.

Without explicitly criticizing Mattis, Pace told the briefing, "First of all, all of us who are leaders have a responsibility in our words and our actions to provide the right example all the time for those who look to us for leadership."

Mattis, formally promoted to three-star general last month, heads the Marine Corps Combat Development Command, at Quantico, Virginia.

In November 2001, Mattis proclaimed, "We have landed and we now own terrain in south Afghanistan," after Marines took over a desert airstrip. The comment ruffled feathers at the Pentagon, where officials were uneasy with a U.S. general talking about owning Afghanistan.

In Iraq, he commanded the 1st Marine Division during the 2003 invasion and subsequent counterinsurgency operations.

Mattis was ordered to lead an assault on the Iraqi city of Falluja in April 2004 after the slaying and mutilation of four American contractors, but U.S. leaders halted the offensive and withdrew his Marines before a decisive showdown. He wrapped up his service in Iraq in August, a spokeswoman said.

In November, Marines under different command seized control of the city after the U.S. presidential election.

Ford has been pegged to play the role of Mattis in the film version of an upcoming book "No True Glory," an account of the April battle for Falluja written by Marine veteran Bing West.

Senior Pentagon Intelligence official Lt. Gen. William Boykin referred in 2003 to the struggle against Islamic extremists as a battle with Satan. In a speech, Boykin referred to a Muslim fighter in Somalia, and said, "Well, you know what I knew, that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol."

The Pentagon inspector general concluded in August that Boykin should face "appropriate corrective action," and a senior Army general said in October said unspecified action had been taken against Boykin.


I'm just curious what you all think of this.

Personally, I have NO problem with what he said. This man has been on the front fighting for American values. Those who beat women and kill their own citizens for speaking freely deserve what they get.

Maybe what he said was harsh, but I'm thankful that we have men and women that are committed to the work they do. As Americans, we SHOULD hate what the enemy stands for and the fact that Lt. Gen. Mattis is not afraid to be candid says a great deal about his character.

Not only that, but those who have fight for our deeply held beliefs as Americans--have a greater right in my opinion to say what they think about the enemy. After all, no matter what most of us say from the safety of our computer desks, we're NOT out their with our lives on the line.

Surely, mainstream media will do all it can to villanize this man, but his service alone trumps anything the overly-sensitive lefties at the New York Times or CBS news think.

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Re: Shoot to thrill?

I have no problem with what he said. I do have a problem with where he said it! I understand what he was saying, but he should have known that that was neither the time nor the place for something like that! Somethings are best left unsaid, especially with all the trouble we are having with the rest of the world hating us (USA) and what we are doing in the war. I know not many here care what the other countries thing of us, but things go a lot smoother when we are all getting along.

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Re: Shoot to thrill?


IMO it was a poor choice of words given the settting.

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Have to agree with sluggo here. Yep I said it, might never happen again. LOL.

While I personally dont have a problem with what he said, I think he should have used a bit more discretion in his choice of words under those circumstances. In his position he no doubt knows how sensitive issues like this can be.

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Re: Shoot to thrill?

STOP COMPLAINING. I think what he said was great. Just another typical Marine, that's all. Too many people are afraid of the truth these days. The **** with being political correct, just say what's on your mind. I knew that I was going to wake up today with a post about this in here. I'll tell you what, I don't hear people complaining when the Marines come to the rescue though huh. How many times have we bailed other serivice units out in Iraq thus far? confused.gif. Who took control of Fallujah when no one else could? confused.gif

Gen Mattis led the 1st Marine Division during the initial attack and subsequent stability operations in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Too many people don't know what it is like to be in combat. I know some of you do but most of you dont. Who are you to judge about what a combat commander says. Ok, maybe poor choice of words at the time but who gives a flying hoot. The media needs to get out of the way, thats what I think. The Commandant already expressed his concerns to the General but all in all, it was no big deal on our side. I heard on the radio today that it offended some Middle-Eastern people....You know what, I bettter stop because I cannot express my true feelings on here anyway. This crap p's me off.

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Re: Shoot to thrill?

Thank god there are still some people who don't feel like they have to be politically correct and not offend someone with what they say. Those mamby-pamby's offended by what was said need to get a grip on the real world.

And, I agree with what he said - it is a **** of a hoot to shoot some people.

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Re: Shoot to thrill?

I can't say what I think because my post would end up getting deleted anyway. I can't belive we are making a big deal about this. We have a war going on for crying out loud. We have Sons, Daughters, Husbands, Wives, Sisters, Brothers and god knows who else over there fighting a war and we are worried about what a 3-Star Marine General said confused.gifmad.gif

And then...and then the one that really get's under my skin is we have little snow flake twinkle toe'd forum members who I know for a fact just got off the moms breast milk the other day, come in here and agree and don't have the foggiest idea to what they are agreeing too. We have better topics to discuss rather then talk about what a General said about war. I'll tell you what, EVERY MARINE would want a Combat Commander like that General right there. They are the Combat Commanders that are going to keep you alive in Combat.

And if anybody has a problem with what I said, shoot me a me you won't hurt my feelings enough to show a Mod what you wrote me,. If anything I might hurt yours so bring your tissues with to the PM CONFERENCE mad.gif And NO I AM NOT talking about everyone in here. If you have a guilty concience, then it is probably you. mad.gif Some of you just talk through your butt. Som of you condt evn spell WAR mad.gif

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Re: Shoot to thrill?

Mike, you outta know by now that the media is gonna take something like this and run with it!! that's the bad thing about all this, they just want the d### attention. Seems to me that the media will do anything they can to bad mouth the military, or blow crap outta proportion. You don't ever see the media run ANYTHING good that ANY military member has done for days on end, but let them do something bad, HOLY COW, you will NEVER hear the end of it!!!!!!!

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Re: Shoot to thrill?


I can't say what I think because my post would end up getting deleted anyway.

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See even you are displaying discretion Mike. LOL. Like I said I have no problem with what he said and can certainly understand the thoughts behind it. Think however in his position knowing this would get stupified by the media ignoramouses(sp), he might have chosen his words a little differently than he might when talking with his soldiers. Really he should not have to worry about it, but in this day and age with so many so quick to cry, sometimes it is best to use a little discretion.

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Re: Shoot to thrill?

I've gotta agree with TSBH on this.... no Marine would be afraid to follow that Lt. General into combat. You know your butt is going to be covered in a pinch by a man who can think his way out of any situation handed to him...or he'll just run the situation over and be done with it. Tough as nails, all the bs left by the roadside.

I'd gladly share a fighting hole with someone like him, anywhere.

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Re: Shoot to thrill?

Thank God that men like that still exist. Lord only knows what language we'd be speaking, religion we'd be forced to follow, etc. without them.

I certainly won't stand in judgement of him regardless of what he said or where he said it. I'm sure he earned the right to say it.

Beside that, doesn't he have first amendment rights (rights he has, in all likelyhood, shed blood for and ordered others to do the same or worse) to express himself as he wishes?

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Re: Shoot to thrill?


Thank God that men like that still exist. Lord only knows what language we'd be speaking, religion we'd be forced to follow, etc. without them.

I certainly won't stand in judgement of him regardless of what he said or where he said it. I'm sure he earned the right to say it.

Beside that, doesn't he have first amendment rights (rights he has, in all likelyhood, shed blood for and ordered others to do the same or worse) to express himself as he wishes?

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I've never been in the military and can't imagine the horrors of war being fun. That said, this is a great sacrifice these guys are making for those people and for us and if they can find some sort of gratification and pleasure out of it. Then so be it.

I find the task of gutting a fresh kill plesurbable because a know the reward that will soon follow. I don't enjoy every aspect of it. But there is a feeling of completion and of a job well done.

I'm sure there are thousand of tree huggers out there that would find that unseemly and barbaric too.

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Re: Shoot to thrill?

I cant see nothing wrong with what he said.Free speech is still a right in this country and not everyone should have to watch what they say to the jounalists, screw em, theyve done more harm than good in this country anyway IMO, bout time someone says what they have on thier mind grin.gif

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