Kansas advise please


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Hi,I have 2 opportunities to hunt in Kansas for fall '09.One spot is central Ks,east of McPherson and the other is north of Garden City.Both of these are on friends farms so I would like some advise on the areas if possible both good and bad.I understand that the hunts will be different because one is more open ground with some CRP and the other has more trees with some small fields near water.


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I'll 2nd what ruttinbuc said.

Your friend ought to have some insight regarding which one traditionally holds the best quality bucks. Both probably hold some great deer. Also which one has gotten the least amount of hunting pressure the past few years and this coming season would go big in my decision too.

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Garden City is in western Kansas and a lot more open. While there are a number of whitetails there it is a whole lot different than hunting in areas with creeks and trees - have to change your style. And, there are mulies in western Kansas - if you have an Any Deer tag.

The McPherson area has more trees, foodplots (crops) and cover. I've hunted both areas and prefer central and eastern Kansas.

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Can I get an any species tag if I am a non-resident?The others in my group are leaning towards the Garden City hunt so I want to be prepared,what do you mean about different style of hunting?Spot and stalk?Which area would we see more numbers?What are the weather differences if any?Thanks for the repies

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Can I get an any species tag if I am a non-resident?The others in my group are leaning towards the Garden City hunt so I want to be prepared,what do you mean about different style of hunting?Spot and stalk?Which area would we see more numbers?What are the weather differences if any?Thanks for the repies

Go here http://www.kdwp.state.ks.us/ to find out if you can get an Any Deer tag. Not sure what a non-res can get or how it works. Style - more spot and stalk than stand hunting. Western Kansas has fewer trees. Doesn't mean you can't stand hunt if the land you're hunting on has wood lots and/or creek bottoms.

I think you would probably see more numbers the further east you go, i.e. McPherson. But, you can find good bucks in either area. Weather west is usually drier and warmer but a winter storm is usually harsh - more open and windy which usually has snow going sideways north to south.

Of course, I am speaking in generalities. It's been 10 years since I've hunted western Kansas - because I prefer central Kansas. I hunt south-central in Unit 16 and south-western Unit 15. I didn't fill first and last time I hunted west. I fill every year south-central.

Talk to your friends and see what their experiences have been with numbers/size and what the land/terrain is like that you're going to be hunting. Or, if it's available to you, hunt one this year and the other next year and decide yourself.

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I have hunted Kansas for the last 10 years for both deer and pheasant, It is a great experience. I would recommend checking the draw statistics to see which area gives you the best chance of drawing a tag, Kansas no longer offers transferrable land owner or outfitter tags. The tag you will draw is good for either sex, you can buy additional doe tags once you have secured an either sex tag. They do offer some late season tags for doe, and the either sex tags are specific to the type weapon you will hunt with and what season. They post the updated seasons and regulations usually in May. Good Luck.

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