What do you consider yourself as???


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It varies. If I'm using a rifle, it's opening day and I know it's only a matter of time before a good buck comes by then I'll hold out. But if I have a bow in my hands, first legal deer without spots that comes by within bow range is going to be skewered. With a muzzleloader I'm in between if you know what I mean. :)

Dakota :)

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Meat hunter,I let a lot of small bucks go and shoot does for meat.Unless the end of the season gets near and I need more meat,then the button bucks and spikes better stay out of range or they to will be in the freezer,if the freezer aint full of meat it for sure aint going to be full of horns first.

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Meat is the #1 priority for us. But I love "the hunt" more than anything. If I sit out all day for a week in sub-zero temps and see nothing, I still love it. Just being out there is awesome! The harsher the conditions...the better too for me. It's part of the challenge, part of the hunt for me.

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Hunter first. There have been years I haven't filled my tag(s) and just enjoyed the experience.

But, I usually spend the first part of the season looking for a trophy and the last couple of days I may take a doe for the meat. It's been a long time since I've had to hunt for the meat. Plus, with a January doe season I can get the meat any time.

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I would say that I'm more of a mix of both. As earlier stated I will shoot a couple does a year, but I won't shoot a buck unless he's got some good headgear to go with it or injured.....

Just my take but I consider a true "trophy" hunter a person that shoots the animal just for the mount and doesn't keep the meat because he has no interest in it.......

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