Handgun Games

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I've recently started to shoot to survive again and after 1000 rounds in 4 weeks have become resonably proficient again. I found that locally there is a range here in Mesa, Az where they shoot reactive steel targets for time. It's quite a bunch too. Rob Leatham is one of the participants so it's an opportunity to learn some more just by watching. I found that I can go from the holster and shoot 6, 8 inch steel plates in a little over 5 seconds. Not bad for a senior citizen with arthritis. Also found out two of my 4 magazines aren't reliable when they are dirty and during rapid fire. I'll fix that this week. Good place to find this one out!! Anyone else shooting?


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Unfortunately we don't have much for options other than our regular long gun ranges. We do have an indoor handgun range at the gun club but it is not a reactive type shooting, just paper. It is great to have though and any practice is better than none. Just hard to afford enough ammo to shoot on a regular basis.:(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little Sweetness, my wife, is getting to be a reasonably good shot with her handgun. So I set up a carjacking senario for her. It was her first time shooting lefthanded but she hit the targets from 7 to 15 yards with no problem. We do these fun things out in a remote spot in an old dry pond so the bullets can't get out. There is an abandoned ranch there too and I think I'll setup a problem in and around the buildings. Just more fun stuff to do which may become necessary the way things are looking here. I've been on the internet studying tattoos of the drug cartels and what they mean and I think the problem with the drug cartels is worse than I imagined. There's an over abundance of them here. But don't worry. Obama will send troops if they start killing us. But not until then, even though the Border Patrol asked for some.


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