Hey Dakota?

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steve had a long day. i generally leave the laptop on all day, so it shows i'm online. thanks for the concern about rilda. she's fine. doing better than expected. it was april 4 of last year that she was given a year to two. so far, i've seen recession but she's still up & running fine. thank you lord. hopefully i have another year or 2 at least. or 30. anyway, what does the mayo know??? lol

you're welcome, guys. i put you after the realtree hunt, but i have enough blinds and a few extra antelope around so you'll do fine. if it doesn't rain, we'll do 100% on P&Y bucks. same as usual....

of course, you have to hit them to kill them. i won't mention any names, but his initials are luke greenia.

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P&Y???? Holy smokes........I'm drueling now.

I know what you mean, Kyle! :D:D:D I'll say with confidence from what I saw in 2006 on my elk hunt, 14-16" bucks most definitely aren't out of the picture by any means! :cool:;) Glad to hear Rilda is doing well too, Steve! :) Man, I can't wait to see you two in just two more weeks! :D:cool:

Dakota :)

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Holy cow, nice touch on the logo guys! :)

Okay, all this talk about back straps and such. Jana Waller with Team WI along with myself, has dubbed me the coordinating camp cook! So, am thinking, we need some onions and mushrooms to go along with these back straps...whatchya think? ;) I'll pack all of my cast iron!

You kill 'em and I'll cook 'em! :D

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