College football blues

Heavy Metal

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Man....I can't stop thinking about college football and it's only freakin' March. I hate this time of least there's hockey.

I'm hoping NAVY has another winning season but....gonna be tuff as usual for the Midshipmen. This is the team closest to my heart as my Grandpa was in the Pacific Theatre in WWII (Purple Heart) in the Navy and come was ALL about Navy football!!! Really excited about Sean White. Speedy running back I think could play in the NFL and be a possible Heisman candidate in a couple years for NAVY.

Really hoping UCLA can pull the pants back up this year with Neuheisel and Chow at the reigns. My step dad raised me and he played on a full ride at UCLA, so naturally I was brainwashed as a child. POWDER BLUE BABY! Hate everything red and gold naturally and enjoy watching (ANYBODY PLEASE) the Trojans REALLY enjoy it.

I'm also pulling for Tebow and the Gators! We home school all 4 of our kids, so naturally, we follow Tim. We're big fans! Best player in college football period, and should be the greatest of all time when it's all said and done. Hope he plays RB or TE in the NFL...if he plays at all.

okay, now I'm really depressed.:(

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Im just waiting for fall. Gonna be interesting watching lane kiffin eat crow this fall. Sure hope he has something for florida cause if i know meyer, he gonna try to ring about 70 on UT.
Yeah, can you explain that one to me?! I don't understand how they saw Kiffin as this great future coach. And boy howdy are you right no Florida...this could be the quickest hire/fire in NCAA if Herm has his way....kinda like his Oakland stent???!:D
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