Cougar in Wisconsin


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Funny how they deny. Our wildlife folks have denied quite a few things over the years. Alligators and cats have been a few I know they have denied. They had to re write the reg on species not listed as game animals though, and in the past 2 years they have admitted that we do have alligators making their way up the Mississippi and are being found in lakes in Memphis.

There was an advertisement/notice in the paper here not too long back asking for photographs and sighting information on cats. Basically it said that the state wildlife biologists for TN have said that we could have cats here and that there have been confirmed sightings(did not say who confirmed this). The phone number was a number from a town in the county just to our east about 25 miles from here. Have had people ask me if I ever get pic of "big cats" on my cams and have heard a couple stories about cats in the bottoms back here. Never seen any sign of them around here myself and never gotten any pics of any. Have seen some good sized bobcats though. Got video of one that was probably pushing 30 lbs.

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The WDNR has denied for a long time now that there were any cougar/mtn. lion/puma/garfield/whatever other name has exsisted in WI.

If you ever claimed to have seen one or seen tracks, you were laughed out of the DNR building.

They also deny that there are wolves south of Hwy. 8. So when a farmer friend watched a pack cross his cow pasture, I just laughed at him and told him the DNR said it's not possible. (lots of sarcasm there) Oh and I am probably 90 miles south of Hwy 8.

Gotta love the WDNR.

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I'd keep telling the DNR "right no cats, no bears, no whatever". That way they are not protected which means "Open Season!" No tags, no draws, no season! Just good old school hunting!:D

That was why they changed the regs in our state Frank. Any animal not defined in the regs or placed in a season is closed.

An incident with an alligator happened a year prior to the changes. A couple boys called the local game warden and asked if they could shoot an alligator that they found under a bridege. The warden laughed and told them that would be fine. After it was done and the boys killed it the twra claimed it was a cayman. Funny thing is now they admit that the with the warmer weather cycles that there is potential for gators to make their way up the river.

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The WDNR has denied for a long time now that there were any cougar/mtn. lion/puma/garfield/whatever other name has exsisted in WI.

If you ever claimed to have seen one or seen tracks, you were laughed out of the DNR building.

They also deny that there are wolves south of Hwy. 8. So when a farmer friend watched a pack cross his cow pasture, I just laughed at him and told him the DNR said it's not possible. (lots of sarcasm there) Oh and I am probably 90 miles south of Hwy 8.

Gotta love the WDNR.

They dont know what the heck is going on. My friend video taped a wolf this past season while he was hunting. He hunts west of Stevens Point.

1.7 million deer, only 600 wolves, not that many bears, no mountain lions...sounds about right:D

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I would have ground checked it then told em it was my wifes pet that grew too big for its cage. It wasn't getting along with my beagle anymore either:rolleyes:

Been many apparent sitings near the Crivitz area over this side of the state. I personally think the wolf reinterduction and a handful of cougars would be a great thing for the Madison area. Let em chew on the politicians for a while:D

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You guys dont think the dnr's would give out false info do you:D.We were never supposed to have bears but are now going to have a season on them this december,and I have heard of numurous accounts of mountain lions tails since I was a kif,and even a few wolf stories in the last ten years or so.The dnr can say what they want,they always know more than they let the public know.I seen on another forum where there was a live and wild leopord or jaguar,cant remember for sure, trapped and tagged in arrizona,I didnt think they were supposed to be there,it said the are now a breading population of them now.Glad I'm not hunting out there.:D

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