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(I picked up Tim this evening after his seminars and brought him over to our home for a Axis, whitetail backstrap and snow crab legs dinner. The side dishes were mac n cheese, asparagus and bisquits and a few sodas;). That Axis meat is one of a kind and a world of difference compared to whitetail.)


I really need to see my brother in action. I imagine seeing him talk at one of these events is way different from just sitting around at our parent's house listening to his stories. Adjam, you had such nice things to say about Tim and great pics too!

Tim called last night while he was on his way home. Thankfully... :p because I had NO CLUE what Axis was (lol) :o. He straightened me out and said it was an amazing meal and that I would actually like the Axis backstrap meat....(hmmmm....:confused:)

I am very glad Tim encouraged me to become part of this family. He is a pretty cool guy to have for a brother!! :D

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Tim called last night while he was on his way home. Thankfully... :p because I had NO CLUE what Axis was (lol) :o. He straightened me out and said it was an amazing meal and that I would actually like the Axis backstrap meat....(hmmmm....:confused:)

Now Lori, you have to schedule a hunt with Tim down in the Texas Hill country for Axis:D. You can hunt exotics all year without limit in Texas! $45 license fee...thats it!

Kerrville,TX has the largest population of free ranging Axis in the country. They are also found in many places like Florida also.


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:D...what are you tenderizing it like Kobe beef that gets daily massages:p. Have you eaten Axis Gary?

My buddy who hosted me in Texas said , folks down there would trade a whole whitetail for 1/2 an Axis...Now I know why. From what I understand, the biggest free ranging whitetail in Texas can have 150+class antlers, but only get up to around 100-125lbs.live weight! Axis on the other hand, Axis get over 200lbs and the horns are amazing. Nothing like NY deer for sure.

That was about the size of the buck I shot( body wise). I am waiting on my tanned hide;).

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Now Lori, you have to schedule a hunt with Tim down in the Texas Hill country for Axis:D. You can hunt exotics all year without limit in Texas! $45 license fee...thats it!

Kerrville,TX has the largest population of free ranging Axis in the country. They are also found in many places like Florida also.


Thank you...Adjam5. It was informative article. Who knew...?:D Tim will agree that my hunting knowledge leaves a bit to be desired. Ask him about the deer in the rut story. :confused:

Now about "scheduling that hunt with Tim in Texas", We will need to refer to Tim's recent "let me introduce" post. As you recall...I don't actually hunt. :o:o I am an avid, vocal supporter of Tim and hunting but do not actually participate.

So if there is anybody left reading this now....I am glad I know about Axis deer as it may be a Jeopardy or Cash Cab question sometime!! :D:D:D

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Lori, here is the difference in meat.

Axis on the left and whitetail on the right.

The Axis almost has a veal color...tender....mmmmmm:D


I looked at this at work. Got the attention of hunters here. I did not have to give the defintion of backstrap to anyone. ;)

It looks interesting....scratch and sniff perhaps??? :D:D

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