Got a new swede. What a deal!!


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Well I was chatting it up with a guy about my need (want)for a new deer/antelope/ long range coyote rig and how I wanted a .260 and was frustrated that nobody chambers them anymore.

He said he had a custom 6.5 swede on a 721 action that he was selling.

Shilen barrel 26"

Tuned trigger.. 2 pounds

Leupy rings and bases

Fagen stock... (I think) It also glass bedded and floated

About 120 rounds brass

230 bullets

competition dies ( $100 + )

What do you think he wanted for everything? How much would you have paid?

I cannot wait to get this thing to the range. Now for a scope.





Edited by WaCoyote
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I've got an old 722 which is the short action version I've been planning on rebarreling and restocking. It will cost me over $600.00 just to do that. You've got a sweet rifle there. The 6.5 Swede is one heck of a cartridge. It's easy on barrels so that rifle is probably like new.


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The barrel has less than 100 rounds down it. I think 79 to be exact. In fact the only thing shot down it were the bullets used from the 3 boxes that came with the rifle.

I'm really excited to get some rounds loaded up. Usually don't hunt coyotes after Feb but I may have to just to get this thing out. Not sure if I can wait for deer season.

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