Got soil samp. need more help. LOL

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It's telling you you'll need 4 tons for 2 acres. You can check on renting a wagon to put it out yourself, or pay through the teeth and go pelletized and broadcast it with a tractor. Pelletized is better but is costly these days. You wont see the full results from bulk lime for a year or two anyway. And remember, you dont have to do it all at once. If you want to do a ton this year and wait, that's ok too, the sample results are just the optimal conditions for the crops you specify.

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I understand it as 3-4 tons per acre---so if you are doing 2 acres you need about 6 tons. If you could get the pH above 6 then you are doing good. I'd apply 2 tons per acre and then apply again this fall or next spring.

Go on the low side of nitrogen since you are planting peas and beans. They are a legume and only need a small amount at first to get started. Just be sure to innoculate your seeds then as they get going they will fix their own nitrogen and there will be less nitrogen in the soil available to weeds. When you apply the phosh and potash be sure to work it into the soil good.

good luck


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