I love you guys


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Wow, how the time goes by. I have been a member here for almost 6 full years now and have seen so many changes. I wonder if I could total up how much time I have spent on here reading and typing. I remember back to hunting the 1st Adirondack Mountains, " Smackdown in the Dacks" with Jim and some good guys...

Seen a lot of good people come and go... seen some good friends leave and come back (thankfully).

Seen members showing their firstborn, and extended families, and even seen too many good members pass. :(

A few quite tragically....

With my more than 11,000 posts and the fact that I have done more reading than posting.... that is a LOT of time on RT!

Think back... a lot of us still hanging on!

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looking forward to meeting yourself this fall too bud!

Lot of guys from the forums I am going to meet this fall...Randy Oitker, Steve Beilgard, Tink, Shaun, hopefully Ranger.... wouldn't mind bumping into Muff up there at Uncles Gords also! Not too mention all the guys hunting with me in Wyoming! Gonna be a busy year!!! :D

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Yep, you gotta love these forums! :cool: I've always said joining the Realtree Forums was one of the best decisions I have ever made. :) I've been on for 4 years come October. Hopefully I'll be able to go to Gillette a little early and meet some of you guys! Heck, I'm just excited to meet and outshoot Kyle in September! :D:D:D Just kidding ya', Kyle! :D;)

Dakota :)

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Ken, I agree 100% about this place. Ya prolly didn't know this, but I looked up to you and still do for your envolvement in law enforecement. Ya always had good advice and insight on what I was going through in training and stuff. It'd be neat to get up there to meet ya!

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This place is awesome Ken. I'm honored to have you as a friend along with so many others here. This place has been my extended family for years, and I'm not going anywhere, none too soon.

You folks saved my life in more ways than one, the past few years, and for that, I am truly thankful.

I love you man :D

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