Ice Fishing


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Re: Ice Fishing

Caught some fish on Saturday. Some small bass, and some nice gills. This time of year it's best to fish weeds in shallow water. By shallow, I'm talking 5 feet or less.

I was in 4 feet of water, on a pretty clear lake, inside of my ice shack. I could see some monster gills down there, and I changed jig colors about a dozen times throughout the day. The fish were very cautious, and they bit slow. If you so much as twitched it when they were coming in on it...zoooom, they would spook. I watched a very nice pike slowly swim by, and even bounced the jig on his back, but he wouldn't bite.

The jigs that produced the best were pearle moonglows, size 10, with either a red, yellow, or green dot on them.

Last weekend, the fish bit like crazy all day long on Sunday.

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Re: Ice Fishing

This would have been an awesome weekend to go. 50's on Saturday. But, my dad insists on driving several hours, so he goes with our neighbor. Kind of funny, they drove more total hours than fish they caught (5 1/2 hours to 4 fish). grin.gif

I'd rather go to a closer lake and just have fun. Should have loaded up the auger, a couple tip-ups, some buddies and a football. grin.gif

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