Watch when you load your mags

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I remember a thread about factory ammo failures a while back and I've only experienced some with bulk bargain basement 22's so I didn't comment. Thought there was alot of whining going on. Karma got me good on that one!:D I've been shooting lots lately and have had a hard time finding ammo. I loaded up the new Sig and it jammed after a few rounds. I cleared it and needed a cleaning rod to get the case out of the chamber. I was cussing the Sig, which was stupid because they never fail, and when the case fell out I picked it up to save it for reloading and noticed it only had part of a rim!:eek: The extractor didn't have anything to grab. Dont' get me wrong I'm very happy to have ammo and know they are working overtime to get it to me but I now will check my ammo very carefully before loading my magazines for self defense. It may be critical to not have the pistol disabled during a fight.:cool:Mark

9mm case 001.jpg

9mm case 002.jpg



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One time i bought a ton of 9mm-reputable US mfr.-and it had several failures in the lot. Misfires mostly, one stovepipe, etc. I was using it at the range to try to teach new shooters, and they were looking at me like my guns were junk, which ain't so. Very frustrating when you pull the trigger and there is no bang.

Luckily it was just practice ammo, and the Zombies weren't coming for me.


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