Team 2


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I wish I was really on your team :o but there's been a mistake. My wife Diana (Doe-ee) is representing us both, and on another team :o

We've been shed hunting together for the first time and I wanted her to represent us. ... sorry team. I hope they can find Team 2 another replacement.

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Well it was a tough week for me. I still have just three more sheds to post and am stuck on 12 for the year. Number 13 has always given me fits. It usually means i'm in for a lull. Today I found number 13, a small fork shed. By the time I got out of the woods I had lost it. I'm still stuck on 12. How much time do we have left?

Hey Jumper! You out there? Let's here it from your side of the creek.

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I just posted five sheds from the last week and a half. Three small singles and one small matched set. Now that the snow is all gone here I am finding the smaller sheds that were under the snow. I'm at 14 now and I'm hoping to trip over a few more. I'll have to hit the smaller area's maybe others overlooked.

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Sheds for team 2

Well I posted three more sheds today. One matched set and one old large shed with out a brow tine. The large old shed has an 11 1/2 inch g2. Wish I would of found it fresh.

That gives me a total of 17 sheds posted with four of them sets. That is about average for me for a year, hopefully I can still add to this but it is getting real tough around here.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I have been out a few more times with nothing to show for it. A friend of mine found two while out with me but I came up empty. I will keep my eyes open while turkey and morel hunting. However my schedual is pretty busy right now and my free time is shrinking.

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Alright Todd! Cogratulations on your find. It's great to find one while you are out enjoying another outdoor passion. We have prescribe burned about 150 acres this spring and I usually find one or two after the fire exposes them but not yet this year.

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