The Press

m gardner

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I've noticed talking with people that the press isn't giving any coverage at all to certain demonstartions. Not even local press. The Secessionists demonstrated in New Hampshire at the capitol and you can only find that on You Tube. Last week there was a large demonstration against Obama and his policies here in Mesa and no local coverage. Some one took photos and started sending it on the internet. But the illegal mexicans demonstrated against Sheriff Joe because he likes to arrest and jail them and send them back home and it made the front page of the paper!:confused: Something's fishy folks.


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Something's fishy folks.


Do not suspect we will see much if any coverage on the main stream media Mark, they are too busy telling us stories like the ones on how it is our fault that the Mexican police cannot control their border problems because our law abiding citizens are selling the bad guys in Mexico class 3 rifles. Guessing they will continue to attempt to divert attention away from this apparent slipping of Obama's popularity.

Amazing just how much misinformation the media puts out.

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So what do we do? The media is not untouchable people. We demonstrate against the news outlets that will not cover. It's a dog eat dog industry too. If CNN won't report, demonstrate against them and you can guarantee Fox News will be all over it. The same for everything. If you want media coverage, you have to make it worth their while also.

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I think the big thing is to not be quiet. Join grass roots organizations you believe in and most importantly, be active in them. Even though the "mainstream" media might not always cover everything, you can always go to your local media. If local medium across the country are picking up stories, they will eventually get national attention.

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