My archery show is headed to London!!


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A couple of weeks ago, I received an e-mail from a production company in London,England. they

asked me if i was interested in coming over and performing my 2 world record shots, my 4 arrow

and my 5 arrow shots. For the last couple of weeks, we have been busy working out the details.

This is for the Guinness Book Of Records new TV show called Guinness Book Of World Records

Smashed! I will be flying over to London on April 4 to film on April 7 for the TV show. The show will

be aired in London for now. This show will air in the UK about 2 weeks after filming. It will be filmed

at Pinewood Studios, It is like Universal studios in the states. My shots

will be documented for the Guinness Book Of World Records. Guinness has already given me

the statistics on the diameter of the balloons, measurement of distance,kind of bow, because

everything has to be documented for the record books. I will get a copy of the show after it has

aired and I will post it for all to see.

I will have one day for sightseeing. I will see if I can find any dragons while I am there!:eek: Does anyone know how much it would cost to mount a dragon ?:D:D

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That's awesome Randy!!!! London is a great place to sightsee, but to see it all in one day will be HARD! I went to England last year and stayed my last day in London. You should try and go up in the London Eye, it is a 400+ foot tall Ferris wheel. I'll have to post some pics for you here in a few. Have you already gotten your passport? Here are a couple from there for you.

London EyeHPIM0135.jpg

London Bridge


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Awesome news Randy... look for Sherwood forest and show that Robin Hood a thing or two :D.

Have a great time and a safe trip!

Will that ever air here in the states?

Sherwood forest is about a 4hr Train ride away. FYI

But then you to could have a pic with Robin Hood himself, just like this


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now that is just as cool as it gets. what a super deal that will be. i can't wait to see the footage.

now, to mount a dragon is another question. if you shoot a small dragon, you might be able to use a whitetail form, making it pretty reasonable. (i've seen poor results on sheep, mule deer, antelope and more all using a whitetail

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1. Two World Wars and One World Cup.

2. Warm beer.

3. You get to confuse everyone with the rules of cricket.

4. You get to accept defeat graciously in major sporting events.

5. Union jack underpants.

6. Water shortages guaranteed every single summer.

7. You can live in the past and imagine you are still a world power.

8. Bathing once a week - whether you need to or not.

9. Ditto changing underwear.


10. Beats being French.

Watch out for the Bobbies.................:D

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