Just For The Record


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For anybody wondering (and I know there's a few) why I assemble broadheads but have never hunted here's a little story.

Growing up I never had anybody in my life that was a hunter and it wasn't odd to me seeing as though I lived in a city where there was a lot of other things to do. Now let's skip forward to December of 2008. I was unemployed and looking for work during a period of time that hardly any companies were hiring due to the rough economic times, which I'm sure have affected each and everyone of you in some way or another, the most common probably being high gas prices :(

Fortunately I was hired by a company called Field Logic and started assembling the most popular expandable broadhead on the market.

Let's travel back to November of 2007. I met an amazing girl named Ashley. Ashley and her dad are big into bow and rifle hunting and have been since Ashley was a little baby. The combination of Ashley and her father telling me hunting stories and assembling the RAGE broadheads has peaked my interest in hunting very much and I now want to get out into the woods and experience the thrill of it all for myself.

So here I am, grateful that I have the people in my life that I do and ready to spend my time doing non-felony activities that are legal in all 50 states, almost like a second chance at life. Deep stuff right there eh? ;)

Happy Wednesday Everybody!!


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Thats a unique way to be introduced to the sport...:rolleyes: Most people i know start off hunting, then get so obsessed with it they move on to things like making their own arrows to assembling rage broadheads...In all honesty, i could care less as to how or why people are introduced to the sport, just as longs as new people are being introduced to the sport:)...ultimately, as sportsmen and women, this is our backbone, and this is really the one leg we have to stand on...to carry on the tradition...to ensure that the tradition of hunting will outlive us, and that this tradition will be around for future generations to expereince and share these same memories and adventures...

I'm sure you will fit in just fine around here...and do not be hesitiant with any questions you may have; this place is a bottomless pit of knowledge;)

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Yeah, like Dan said, it doesnt matter where your from or what age you get into the sport. You'll find plenty of ppl here that will bend over backwards to help you (heck some of us just like bragging (lieing maybe?:p) But you'll find it more than a sport, or hobby or passtime. To me it's more essential than that, just something that's essential to what you're all about. Just wait till the first time your heart is thumping and you pull the trigger on that release only to hear that loud swack as the arrow passes through a ribcage.....ahhhhh beautiful....

Is it october yet?

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Never too old to get into hunting. Jump on in with both feet, the water is fine.

For most of us here, hunting is not just a sport. It is a way of life. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about hunting, shooting and if it is may 1st, spring Turkey or October deer season yet:D.

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I'm glad you are getting into hunting, especially since, like you said, I have done it/been exposed to it my entire life. I think you're going to like it, especially when you whack that first big monster ;) (That is if I don't get to him before you:D) I'm so happy to see how far you've come with your life and hunting is going to be a great way for you to continue to keep a healthy lifestyle. Plus, now you can have all the venison sausage you want :)

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[qouteSo here I am, grateful that I have the people in my life that I do and ready to spend my time doing non-felony activities that are legal in all 50 states, almost like a second chance at life. Deep stuff right there eh? ;) qoute]

we'll try to stay away from the felony stuff...LOL bow hunting or hunting in general can be very addicting, any deer with a bow is something you will never forget

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Glad you have taken intrest in the outdoors. It's the best place to be and the things you will see will amaze you. I still remember my very first time out hunting, its something I will never ever forget! It's great that your gf and her dad are there to help you and show ya the ropes. I learn somethin new everytime I go hunting. Never stop learning, never stop listening, but most important never stop telling someone new about the outdoors! Welcome aboard buddy!

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