horntagger Posted March 12, 2009 Report Share Posted March 12, 2009 National Park Service Ban on Traditional Ammunition I hate when I see the future. So far 2 3 6 and 7 are in progress Predicted on November 5th, 2008 on another forum Here is what I see happening. First. Just look at California, and Illinois 1. Say good by to Farm Bill that will help wildlife or hunters? 2. Guns will be chewed on slowly, but in the mean time bullet will have a two fold atttack. 3. First lead bullets to save the enviroment will be outlawed. Raising the prices a. The they will just raise the prices with reason of crime, victims etc. b. Conservation that is pro hunting will be chewed on slowly, just like road kill. Conservation will turn to Management of Wildlife without hunting. 4. Welcome to European Style of hunting, price of hunting tags will HAVE to go up because the money will be taken away. So unless you have the money to pay for tags, bullets, etc. Then you will not do it. Because of that less tags sold, prices will continue to go up. Only States like Missouri and Arkansas and other that have the 1/8 cent sales tax for conservation will survive these tough times to a point. 5. To pile on while it down, your taxes and my taxes will go up, gas prices will seem cheap at 4.00 a gallon, so managing for wildlife will start to take second fiddle for survivial. It will be a coasting time. 6. Business in the Hunting and Fishing Industry will start elimating lots jobs of Pro-Staffers and employees because of taxes, to keep their bottom line the same. Survival of the fitess. 7. Conservation Groups like the QDMA, NWTF, DU, DW, RMEF, QU, PF and Game and Fish Departments will take a big hit, people you see today in those jobs, will disapper to a point, some will have more radical changes some will just slim down more. 8. Interest Rates will go thru the roof, in turn buying of hunting land, will trickle to a stop. But in turn their will be a influx of hunting land for sale, becuase of tought times. 9. Radical Groups like the HSUS etc will gain power never seen in our lifetime. So hunting regulations will be coming from ever direction, and no one to stop them. 10. Groups like the NRA, U.S. Sportsmen Alliance, Safari Club, etc even with their money, will be so minimalize, becuase the one's with the power don't care about them. These are just my thoughts. Sorry all negative, but I believe this will be the next 12 years. Firearms Industry Calls National Park Service Ban on Traditional Ammunition Over-reactive NEWTOWN, CONNECTICUT-The National Shooting Sports Foundation strongly encourages the National Park Service to reconsider its policy banning the use of traditional ammunition made with lead components on park lands and points out that neither humans, wildlife populations nor the environment are harmed by the use of such ammunition. "The National Park Service's decision is arbitrary, over-reactive and not based on science," said Steve Sanetti, president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry. "Studies show that traditional ammunition does not pose a health risk to humans, or wildlife populations as a whole." The park service appears to have made its decision without requesting input from wildlife management and conservation groups, or ammunition manufacturers. "There is no evidence of traditional ammunition harming humans or wildlife populations that would warrant this kind of drastic policy change," said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel. Hunting is allowed in some national parks in order to reduce herd populations or remove wounded or sick animals, and NSSF maintains that traditional ammunition is best suited for these tasks. Traditional ammunition costs less, and hunters are more familiar with its performance. Hunters also are agreeable to taking voluntary measures, such as burying entrails after field dressing game, to prevent scavengers from ingesting lead fragments. Maintaining healthy wildlife populations has always been a priority for hunters, who have contributed approximately $5.6 billion to protect wildlife and habit over the past 70 years through excise taxes paid on firearms and ammunition. The park service's news release does not cite scientific evidence that wildlife populations are being negatively impacted by the use of traditional ammunition, and there is no indication that park visitors' health was affected in any way by hunters and wildlife managers using traditional ammunition. Ammunition containing lead components has been the choice of hunters for well over 100 years, during which time wildlife populations in America have surged. While lead ingestion appears to occur in a small number of individual animals, overall populations are unaffected. Also, there has never been a documented case of lead poisoning among humans who have eaten game taken with traditional ammunition, and a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study on North Dakota hunters who consumed game confirmed that there was no reason for concern over eating game taken with traditional ammunition. Unfortunately, the park service's decision to ban traditional ammunition adds to the misinformation being circulated by anti-hunting groups to promote fear among wildlife managers and hunters about traditional ammunition. The park service's news release makes erroneous comparisons between organic lead found in gasoline and the metallic lead used in ammunition. Banning lead in gasoline and paint was related to public health concerns because of the widespread nature of these substances and ingestion of paint chips by young children. These issues are not associated with lead in ammunition. NSSF and its member companies who possess significant knowledge about lead and its use in ammunition hope to be part of any regulatory process to encourage the park service to reconsider this hastily concluded policy before it goes into effect by the end of 2010. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adjam5 Posted March 12, 2009 Report Share Posted March 12, 2009 WOW! Amazing...I hear that this legislation is also picking up speed in Kalifornia( no, not a misspelling). Banning lead bullets will essentially shut down hunting and make it so cost prohibitive...here comes "Change":rolleyes: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevebeilgard Posted March 12, 2009 Report Share Posted March 12, 2009 just what you can expect a pile of from obama. one bite at a time and soon the elephant disappears. let's hear it, sportsmen for obama..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rookieee Posted March 12, 2009 Report Share Posted March 12, 2009 :eek:Well sportsman for" OMAMA" here comes the changes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gzilla45 Posted March 12, 2009 Report Share Posted March 12, 2009 Let's hope this doesn't trickle down to state and county lands. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adjam5 Posted March 12, 2009 Report Share Posted March 12, 2009 Let's hope this doesn't trickle down to state and county lands. I hear what you are saying, but Hope may not be good enough. I think it is a better bet to become proactive rather than reactive to this. Get those fingers typing and the letters written folks. Get on the horn and contact your legislators and tell them what you think! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted March 12, 2009 Report Share Posted March 12, 2009 Sounds like yet another reason for me to get into reloading. Guess I need to take the step and make sure and order enough components as I can to last for a long long time. Here is a little more on this from the nssf http://www.nssf.org/media/FactSheets/Lead_Ammunition.cfm Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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