Squirrel Contest Winners!


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First off gang, my deepest apologies on the final announcement. I was called out to Louisiana Early last week and then had to fly into Dallas for a technologies convention for several days. For the past week and a half ive either been at a refinery, on a plane, or at a hotel. Yay. I’ve only been back a few days and I had a lot of catching up to do before I could spend any time on the forums. When work calls what do you do!? :rolleyes:

And now the winners of the 2008 – spring 2009 Realtree forums tree rat contest!

Drum roll please……

Team 6.

Congratulations gang. Those 12” tails put you over the top. Team 6 ‘s top five tails measured 12.5”, 12”, 12”, 11.5”, and 11.25” for a grand total of 59.25” (an average of 11.85” per tail)!

Well done Team 6, well done.

The official announcement will be made in the lounge.

Team 4 captures the sheer volume award! They logged a host of kills. Sadly the length of their tails didn’t quite measure up (pardon the pun).

Along with Team 4, Team Ruth made it a very close game. Well done Ruth.

Nicely done everyone and congratulations on what looked to be a great season!

Edited by Jeramie
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