rain at last in Tejas!


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Yea, we have been hurting real bad. Stock tanks are all drying up and some people have lost cattle because of it. One pond on my parents place is down about 8'. Here is a picture of it a couple of years ago, it was about 2 foot low at the time. If I get out there this weekend, I will get a picture of where it is now. While this rain is good for grass, as it is all soaking in, there is no runoff to help fill the tanks back up. We really need about a 8" - 12" or so to get things back to where they need to be


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Here is a couple of comparison photos. The first one is a couple of years ago, at the time it was about 2-3' low. The two stumps sticking up on the right hand side of the water are normally almost completely underwater with only about 6" sticking out of the water.

The second picture was taken yesterday, after a couple of days of rain. Looking at it, it appears that the little rain we had raised the water level about 8".



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